Milton Friedman made the observation that the true size of government is measured not by how much it rakes in currently in taxes by how much it spends.
The Case Against Immigration Quotas
If quotas on immigration are an essential tool for protecting us Americans from being terrorized on our own soil, why do we still have no quotas on foreigners who come to America as visitors? Must someone be a resident of the U.S. in order to unleash terror in America?
Max Weber on Politics as a Vocation
Max Weber’s essay on “Politics as a Vocation” reinforces all the reasons why it is important to restrict the powers of government, while enabling those in government to secure each individual’s right to their life, liberty and honestly acquired property.
Capitalism: The Whipping Boy of Leftists
Capitalism is truly the pro-human social system superior to its alternatives.
Democrat Presidential Debate: 10 Tough Questions CNN/ NY Times “Forgot” To Ask
Here are 10 questions that CNN/NY Times moderators failed to ask…
The Dirty Secret Behind Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-For-All
Elizabeth Warren has vehemently refused to say if the middle class would see its taxes go up to pay for M4A or how she would pay for this.
Book Review: The Invention of the Passport
How and why governments have used the power of issuing official travel documents as a means of restricting the free movement of people during the last 200 years.
We Should Want More Billionaires Not Less
Economic prosperity is not achieved by taxing the “rich”—such as the plans to wipe out billionaires—and giving some of their wealth to those who have been less productive and therefore have less wealth.
The U.S. Welfare System’s Paternalistic History
“We should measure welfare’s success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.”
Turning Point: The Democrat Stranglehold on Black Americans is Ending
“Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens inside your house.”
Impeaching Trump, Greta Thunberg and Faith in the Status Quo
The new religionists tout environmentalism, feminism, multiculturalism, and welfare statism.
Stossel Interviews Democratic Presidential Candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is controversial within her party. She says the U.S. should talk to its enemies. She was criticized for meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. But Democrats were supposed to be the anti-war party, I say to her...
How Trump Raised Your Taxes
The 2018 tariffs imposed by President Trump on imports from China and other countries had already resulted in the direct transfer of tens of billions of dollars from U.S. businesses to government coffers.
The Democrats Who Cried ‘Impeach!’
Trump, post-impeachment, can credibly call himself a victim of a political vendetta and ride that narrative to victory in 2020.
Peddling Victimhood: Who Cares About You?
Are white people obsessed with and engaged in a conspiracy against black people?
My Life as an Austrian Economist and a Classical Liberal
Ayn Rand’s writings brought about an ethical and practical revolution in my thinking
Elizabeth Warren’s “Accountable Capitalism” Is More Dangerous Than Bernie Sander’s “Democratic Socialism”
I’d take whatever Sanders calls socialism over accountable capitalism any day, because rather than starve the dynamic private sector of resources, Warren’s vision stifles the dynamism itself.
History of the Monopolization of Welfare by the State
Throughout the 19th century, a primary means for the provision of what today we call the “social safety nets” was by the private sector outside of government.
A Free Market for Labor
Keep government out of labor markets, so long as people stick to their contracts and refrain from violence.
If Trump’s ‘Bigotry’ Is an Impeachable Offense, Why Did Obama Get a Pass?
Let’s examine these killers’ motives and means so we can reduce the possibility of more such shootings and reduce their lethality. But blaming Trump is lazy, dishonest and bigoted.
“L’etat C’est Moi”: The Presidency of Donald Trump
It was French king Louis XIV who declared, “L’etat c’est moi” (“I am the state”), indicating his insistence that he possessed absolute power over his subjects. This attitude is shared by Donald Trump, president of the United States.
Communist China, The Trump Presidency and The Democrat Totalitarian Threat
However vulgar, nationalistic and anti-capitalist is Trump’s presidency, he’s looking better than the alternative, each of whom shares the same moral premise and economic ideal as China.
Directive 10-289: A Chilling Directive
Our modern civilization is on a trajectory that will lead to a very dark place. History provides examples of what can happen. We refer to the period 1929-1945, and course to 476AD. If the monetary system is not changed, 476AD is where we will end. The raison d’etre of...
How Important Is Today’s Racial Discrimination?
How much of the plight of many blacks can be explained by current racial discrimination?
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