Spain's decision to turn tail and run, in response to a terrorist bombing, not only tells terrorists how to get their way in the future, it should also tell us about the dangers of outsourcing our foreign policy to our allies or to the United Nations, as so many on...
Foreign Policy
Soft-Line Ideologues Revisited: Foreign-Policy Soft-Liners are Pragmatists
Last week, there was a very interesting opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal by two influential neoconservatives: David Frum and Richard Perle. The title was "Beware the Soft-Line Ideologues," and it has a good theme, but it gets completely twisted up by its...
George W. Bush’s Unprincipled Foreign Policy Against Taiwan
In yet another presidential disappointment, FoxNews reported that Bush Opposes Taiwan Independence. "We oppose any unilateral decision by either China or Taiwan to change the status quo," Bush told reporters, "and the comments and actions made by the leader of Taiwan"...
Howard Dean’s Anti-American Foreign Policy
Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean has made a number of statements recently that give one a glimpse into the dark, multilateralist, socialist corners of his mind from his view that Bush May Have Been Tipped to 9/11 Attacks, to his apparent lust for...
Will Israel Save Us Again?
The Iranians are on the verge of building nuclear bombs. If this is not stopped, mass death will result. The situation is not entirely without precedent, although the crisis today is immeasurably greater. By 1981 Iraq had a similar program. Had it succeeded, America...
Jimmy Carter and North Korea
This disgraceful moral treason by Carter is, among other things, the Marxist notion that ideology and politics is determined by “the mode of production.”
Facing Down North Korea
when we have agreed to the North Korean’s terms in the past, we only find ourselves facing them again later, stronger, and even more threatening.
Blame Bush’s Unprincipled Foreign Policy
The 900-page Congressional report criticizing the operations of the FBI and CIA in the months prior to the September 11 attacks misses the fundamental point. Whatever incompetence on the intelligence agencies' part, what made September 11 possible was a failure, not...
Foreign Policy and Self-Interest: Liberia Campaign Would Be a Moral Crime
Those who claim that the United States has a moral obligation to send troops on a "humanitarian" mission to Liberia have it exactly backward: our government has a moral obligation *not* to send its forces into areas that pose no threats to America's well- being. It is...
“A Shot at Peace”: Can the U.S. Enforce the “Road Map”
The goal, everyone needs firmly to keep in mind, is not the signing of more agreements but (short-term) the ending of terrorism and (long-term) the Palestinian acceptance of Israel as a sovereign Jewish state.
A Leftist ‘Indictment’ of Communist Cuba
In the opening few lines of Marc Cooper's editorial piece in the LA Weekly, he writes: "Have you ever imagined what it would be like living in a society where, say, a John Ashcroft would be unrestrained by the niceties of constitutional law? Where draconian...
What Will They Think?
The discussion of how we set up a new government in Iraq has been dominated, as has so much during this war, with the question: what will THEY think? "We can't let it look like the new government is our puppet," say the commentators. Why not? It should be our puppet....
Dismantling North Korea’s Nukes
The Bush Administration is right to demand the dismantling, not just the suspension, of North Korea’s nuclear program.
North Korea: Defending America’s Second Front
North Korea is a hold-over from the Cold War, and what is required to deal with them is old-fashioned Cold War brinksmanship.
The State of the Union 2003: A Pro-American Foreign Policy
In this year's State of the Union address, it was said by many that President Bush would have to clearly make the case for war with Iraq before the American people to answer the fears of a wavering public. In the President's speech before the nation, that case was...
North Korea: True Concessions for Real Disarmament
The objective of US policy must be the destruction of the nuclear capability of the North.
North Korea Must Dismantle Its Nuclear Facilities
On the contrary, North Korea demonstrates the value of preemption–it demonstrates why other hostile regimes must be preempted before they acquire the capability to deter the United States.
The Foreign Policy of Doing Business With Criminals
Eight years ago, a particularly stupid U.S. Administration at a particularly stupid juncture in American history offered Communist North Korea a deal: if you don't develop nuclear weapons, we'll give you free American oil -- at U.S. taxpayer expense. Even hard-right...
The Foreign Policy of George Bush: A Grand Illusion
Somewhere, there is a warlike American administration obsessed with smashing an Axis of Evil, an administration itching to blow away any regime tainted by terrorism and willing to lash out preemptively and unilaterally, invading and occupying any country that resists....
“Race Cleansing” in Zimbabwe: UN Sees No Evil
Only the United Nations, we're told, has the vision and the moral authority to be the keepers of justice in the world. Well, as they say, actions speak louder than words. The UN's bureaucrats spend a huge amount of time wringing their hands over the United States'...
Mad about Mandela
According to a Reuters report filed by Brendan Boyle, South African statesman Nelson Mandela condemned President Bush's policy on Iraq earlier this month, saying he was "appalled" by U.S. threats of military action. According to the report: "What they are introducing...
Israel vs. The Palestinian Dictatorship: Netanyahu’s Speech before the U.S. Senate
These concerns first surfaced with the appearance of a reprehensible moral symmetry that equates Israel, a democratic government that is defending itself against terror, with the Palestinian dictatorship that is perpetrating it.
A New Era: Cleaning up Clinton’s Anti-American Foreign Policy
This year marked not only the beginning of a new millennium, but of a truly new era as well. In one sense, that era began on September 11th but, in another sense, it began on January 20th, when George W. Bush became President of the United States. The new...
A Lesson in U.S. Foreign Policy for India: With Friends Like Us …
India is beginning to learn what Israel has learned, brutally, over the past year: the U.S. State Department loves to betray our friends. It is now more than a week since Pakistan-backed Islamic terrorists shot up the Indian Parliament in New Delhi, killing 12 people...
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