America was not made richer from slavery. America was made poorer by slavery.
How Capitalist-Abolitionists Fought Slavery
Interest in the history of American capitalism is on the rise, although curiously this line of study is being advanced for anticapitalistic ideological reasons.
The Pinochet Slur Against Free Market Scholars: Academic Repetition of a Lie
In each and every case, the aforementioned authors carelessly repeat a claim that they want to believe and that affirms their political priors. No effort is made to check sources or investigate whether the claim itself is reputable.
The Mythology Behind The Dishonest “New History of Capitalism” Slavery Smear
Edward Baptist, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and others of the “New History of Capitalism” demonstrate their ignorance in their dishonest attempts to associate American capitalism with slavery.
The Real Spirit of the Declaration of Independence
What is America, and what does it represent?
Reparations: Free Blacks and “Native Americans” Owned Slaves
A staggering 28 percent of free blacks in the Crescent City owned slaves.
The Battle Over America: Individual Freedom Versus Democratic Statism
The idea that there was a time in American history when many more matters of daily life were considered the domain of personal decision-making and voluntary collaborative community effort has mostly been erased from people’s memory. We live in a time when an...
Slavery: Neither Strange Nor Peculiar
People who use slavery to trash the founders have contempt for our constitutional guarantees of liberty. Slavery is merely a convenient moral posturing tool they use in their attempt to reduce respect for our Constitution.
America Through The Eyes of a Foreigner in the 19th Century
I recently have been reading a number of books written by European travellers who visited the United States, particularly, in the early and mid-decades of the 19th century.
Slavery: What They Didn’t Teach in My High School
African tribes who captured other tribes sold them into slavery.
Lessons From the Past
The opportunities open to my young relatives in Harlem — and to other young blacks elsewhere — were not nearly as good as the opportunities open to me back in 1948.
Miseducated or Stupid? American Millennials For Communism and Socialism
A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country.
Grateful for Not Starving: Why The Pilgrims at Plymouth Switched From Socialism to Capitalism
The Pilgrims nearly starved to death. They’d tried to farm collectively — the entire community owning all the land and sharing everything, like socialists.
The Rise of Capitalism and the Dignity of Labor
Capitalism has brought about growing prosperity for the human condition while cultivating a more polite society.
Still Haunting The World: Karl Marx and Marxism 200 Years Later
A specter continues to haunt the world, the specter of Karl Marx. Two hundred years ago, on May 5, 1818, the father of twentieth century totalitarian communism, the guidebook writer of revolutionary mass-murdering dictatorship, and the inspirer of disastrous socialist central planning was born in Trier, Germany.
A Not-So Great Society: The Legacy of Lyndon Johnson
The “untouchable” entitlement programs at the heart of the current debt crisis are the outgrowths of the redistributive programs introduced by or greatly expanded during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson.
What Left-Wing Educators Don’t Teach During ‘Black History Month’
A few historical and inconvenient notes left on the cutting room floor during Black History Month.
A “Right Side” to History? The Failure of Marx’s Predictions About Capitalism, Part 2
Those who speak about being on the “right side of history” have, knowingly or not, adopted a central element in Karl Marx’s analysis of capitalism
A “Right Side” to History? The Failure of Marx’s Predictions About Capitalism, Part 1
One of the most common phrases to be heard from those on “the left” is the assertion that someone or some public policy is or is not on “the right side of history.”
The Inca Elite and the “Communism” of the Common People
The Inca rulers imposed on almost all in society a compulsory equalitarianism in virtually all things.
The New Left’s False History of Laissez-Faire Capitalism
This “inconvenient history” of how individualism and capitalism changed the course of human events from its thousands-of-years of slavery to near universal human liberty, has been practically eliminated from college courses.
Socialism: Marking a Century of Death and Destruction
Everything the Marxists said about capitalism – exploitation of the many by a privileged few; a gross inequality of wealth and opportunity simply due to an artificial arrangement of control over the means of production; a manipulation of reality to make slavery seem as if it meant freedom – was, in fact, the nature and essence, of Soviet socialism.
The Legacy of Mao Zedong is Mass Murder
According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China.
Manorial and Guild Systems: The Institutions and Economics of the Middle Ages, Part 1
Political, social, and economic life in the Middle Ages revolved around two sets of institutions.
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