We are seeing a real-time example of how history is really written. The narrative is more self-serving than we knew. If all the power centers in society get something tremendously wrong, an informal conspiracy of silence develops around it, with the hope of just wiping it from the history books.
Capitalism and The Exploitation of Third World Countries
To then accuse capitalism of causing the poverty — while in the very act of eradicating it — is to commit both a historical error and a profound injustice.
Some Comments on the Issue of American Slavery
Condemning slavery is morally right. Slavery is an evil institution because it is a total violation of individual rights. However, before one judges America and its founding fathers, it is important to be aware of history.
Is the Wealth of American Capitalism the Result of Slavery?
“No, Sarah, Our Prosperity Wasn’t Extracted from Slaves”
Saving Capitalism From Its Defenders
Capitalism is not only practical, but also the only moral social system—and the only one fit for morally good people.
Was Hitler Really “Right Wing”?
Hitler did not regard himself as being either on the left or on the right, but wanted to overcome both extremes – not in the ‘middle’, however, but by a new extreme in which both were abolished.
Joe Biden Meet President Calvin Coolidge
The differences between President Calvin Coolidge’s results and Joe Biden’s results are like night and day. Coolidge closely reflected our Founders’ insights in what he wrote and said, which we would truly profit from, given how far we have deviated from those ideas in modern America.
Black Innovators and Entrepreneurs Under Capitalism
That innovative black Americans flourished in late 19th- and early 20th-century America is a little-known part of our heritage.
Heroes of Capitalism
Who were the towering heroes in both Great Britain and the United States responsible for so markedly improving human living conditions?
The Pilgrims Tried Socialism and It Failed
The desire of “spreading the wealth” and for government to plan and regulate people’s lives is as old as the utopian fantasy in Plato’s Republic.
Remembering the Soviet Nightmare that Ended Thirty Years Ago
There is, today, a new chorus of voices once again calling for a socialist future of increased political paternalism and forms of centralized economic planning.
Why Today’s Young Generation Must Study The History of Socialism
It is vital for the history of socialism not to be forgotten by those fortunate enough not to live under its reality of terror, tyranny, and social disaster, less history tragically repeat itself.
1619 Project Sadly Undermined by the Lack of Academic Integrity of Its Founder
Hannah-Jones’s behavior illustrates the absence of basic scholarly integrity from her approach to writing history.
Holodomor: Ukraine Famine of 1933 was a Government-Made Disaster
The ten worst famines of the 20th century could all be attributed directly or indirectly to government policies.
Socialism-in-Practice Was a Nightmare, Not Utopia
Listening to some in American academia and on social media, you would think that socialism was a bright, new, and shiny idea never tried before that promises a beautiful future of peace, love, and bountifulness for all. It is as if a hundred years of socialism-in-practice in a large number of countries around the world had never happened.
George Washington’s Warning about Alienating ‘Any Portion of Our Country from the Rest’
Many have embraced the fatal disunity of factions, putting liberty in extreme peril.
America Needs a Leader Like George Washington
America needs to rediscover the Founders’ commitment to individual rights.
Private Property’s Harvest
Yes, we’ve got the pandemic, lockdowns, a worsening deficit, etc. But we still live in a relatively free country at the most prosperous time in human history.
The Moral Meaning of the Berlin Wall
Life in the socialist utopia of East Germany was a waking nightmare.
Reflecting On Communism After 103 Years
November 7th marks the 103rd anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, where Communist revolutionaries overthrew the czarist government of Russia, eventually leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union.
Slavery vs. Capitalism: The 1619 Project Not Only Ignores Actual History, But Basic Economics
People who believe that slavery is an efficient system of production are people who are ready to impose 100% marginal rates of taxation in the belief that doing so is economically harmless.
Spiritual Poverty of Black Americans and The Welfare State
Chief among the policies that reward inferiority and irresponsibility is the welfare state.
Slavery as the Cause of General Loss
While slavery enriched slave owners, it impoverished not only the slaves but also the United States as a whole.
Capitalism vs. Slavery
Similarities between slavery and socialism, and indeed the aggressive anti-capitalist rhetoric of proslavery ideology, are seldom examined in the “New History of Capitalism” literature.
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