
The Demonization of “White” English Harms Black Students

Is Learning Standard “White” English Oppressive for Black Students?

Millennials for Communism

Millennials for Communism

The horrors of Nazism, Stalinism, and Maoism did not begin in the ’20s, ’30s and ’40s. Those horrors were the result of a long evolution of ideas leading to a consolidation of power in the central government in the quest for “social justice.”

How Higher Education Wrecks Freedom

How Higher Education Wrecks Freedom

The push to force everyone into higher education has proven to be a massive diversion of financial and human energy, and, just like Schumpeter predicted, it did the cause of freedom no favors.

Subsidies and Government Schools

Subsidies and Government Schools

If rural Texans want government schools, then they should be willing to pay for them. Nobody is stopping them from making voluntary contributions to their local schools. They aren’t doing that because they would prefer to force others to “contribute” to their cause.

Stop Bleeding Taxpayers to Cover Unpaid Student Loans

Stop Bleeding Taxpayers to Cover Unpaid Student Loans

I have argued many times that the federal government should not be in the business of lending money for college (nor for any other reason), but as long as we have student loans, we should limit the losses by requiring that someone other than the students be responsible for their debts. That party should be the college itself.

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