
The Pork Barrel Politics of the Department of Education

The department is designed to provide material and political benefits to the teachers’ unions, not to improve student outcomes.

Six Myths About Student Loan “Forgiveness”

Six Myths About Student Loan “Forgiveness”

The reality is that a college degree is either valuable or it isn’t. If it’s valuable, it will pay for itself. If it’s not valuable, no one should pay for it. Either way, there’s no reason for the government to be involved.

The Beautiful Tree by James Tooley

The Beautiful Tree by James Tooley

Parents want the best for their children. They realize that one of the keys to escaping poverty is a good education. The best education, they understand, comes from entrepreneurs who offer higher quality to stay in business and prosper. – Max Borders

Black Education Tragedy Is New

Black Education Tragedy Is New

As early as 1899, students of Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, a black public school in Washington, D.C., scored higher on citywide tests than any of the city’s white schools. From its founding in 1870 to 1955, most of its graduates went off to college.

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