It is time to enable parents to have the freedom to choose the school for their children through school choice.
The Real Purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour
The purpose is to turn children “queer” through an educational process.
A Key Lesson in Education Policy: You Don’t Make Peace with Termites
Two neighboring states, Florida and Georgia, show how and how not to deal with the “termite” problem of Leftist education control.
Don’t Confuse School Choice with Educational Freedom
While school choice isn’t the ideal, it isn’t a compromise to supports such policies.
Montessori Organization Debunks Thanksgiving Story
Why is there this constant attempt to deny the past?
Six Myths About Student Loan “Forgiveness”
The reality is that a college degree is either valuable or it isn’t. If it’s valuable, it will pay for itself. If it’s not valuable, no one should pay for it. Either way, there’s no reason for the government to be involved.
The Beautiful Tree by James Tooley
Parents want the best for their children. They realize that one of the keys to escaping poverty is a good education. The best education, they understand, comes from entrepreneurs who offer higher quality to stay in business and prosper. – Max Borders
“Gender-Affirming Care”: On The Transgender Transformation of Children
The role of a parent is to protect his child from harm, teach him how to think and make good choices, identify reality, help him understand long-range consequences, and help him to understand that his feelings are not superior to reason.
Sex and the Schools, or, An Essay You Don’t Want to Read
Sex in the schools—by which I mean the sexualization of children on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity—is America’s twenty-first-century kulturkampf.
Let’s Cancel Student Loans – Not Forgive Them, But Cancel the Program
Higher education in the US is bloated and dysfunctional because federal meddling turned it into a mass entitlement. Turn off the federal spigot and it will rapidly improve.
Biden Hints He’s Planning to “Cancel” Student Debt. Why Student Debt Holders Should Be Against the Move
The problem is, “forgiving” debt doesn’t make it go away, it just shifts the burden. These “loans” effectively become grants, and the taxpayers are left footing the bill. This is a classic example of concentrated benefits and dispersed costs.
Reagan’s Goal to End the Department of Education Is Finally Gaining Momentum
“By eliminating the Department of Education…we cannot only reduce the budget but ensure that local needs and preferences, rather than the wishes of Washington, determine the education of our children.” – Ronald Reagan
Grooming Our Children: We Need to Fight Back
The act of interacting with a child with the objective of sexual abuse is called grooming.
Critical Race Theory “in” Education: What It Is, Why It’s Wrong, How to Fight It
Critical Race Theory is a Marxist collectivist view of race and justice. It is called “Marxist” because it shares the same basic philosophical views as Marxism except that class is replaced with race.
Montessori Teacher Fights ‘Social Justice’
Some Montessori organizations are replacing Montessori critical thinking skills with indoctrination into Marxist ‘social justice’ propaganda. A Montessori teacher fights back.
College Student Loan Debt Problem: Senator Warren’s “Fix” Will Make Things Worse
Federal college subsidies have increased the cost of higher education, lowered its standards, created a labor market glut of graduates expecting “good” jobs because they’ve been to college, and led to a horde of people who can barely repay their college debt.
Black Education Tragedy Is New
As early as 1899, students of Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, a black public school in Washington, D.C., scored higher on citywide tests than any of the city’s white schools. From its founding in 1870 to 1955, most of its graduates went off to college.
Myth of “Adjunctification” and Disappearing Tenure in Higher Education
Tenure is at best a mixed bag – sometimes it protects the already-employed, but at other times it means that candidates with unpopular views are never offered employment or promotion in the first place.
Public School Pandemonium Teaches a Valuable Lesson
When governments abrogate parents’ right to choose, they instigate conflict between parents and teachers.
Sorry, Washington Post, But Parents Do Have Every Right to Shape Their Kids’ Curriculum
Parents are increasingly demanding freedom of choice in education.
“Social Justice” Movement Contaminates Montessori Education with Marxist Ideology
Instead of workshops on social justice topics, Montessori organizations should feature seminars on the value and role of the individual in eliminating racism, and should glorify and celebrate the fact that the Montessori Method is based on individualism.
A Message to Graduating Students
If you want to lead a successful life, our most urgent advice to you is to reject your professors’ assaults on reason and individualism.
Successful Without College
“Forgive student loans” really means workers must pay for privileged students who don’t.
What in the World Are You Teaching Kids?
Imbue your child not with the dangers of the world, but with the factful progress of the world.
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