Economics belongs alongside mathematics, natural science, history, philosophy, and the humanities as an integral part of a liberal education.
George Reisman
Capitalism: Economics, the Division of Labor, and the Survival of Material Civilization
What makes the science of economics necessary and important is the fact that while human life and well-being depend on the production of wealth, and the production of wealth depends on the division of labor, the division of labor does not exist or function automatically.
Socialism: Armed Robbery and Murder Based on Delusion and Profound Ignorance
Video of George Reisman’s TedX talk on socialism.
Capitalists’ Socialism Syndrome
At the present moment, we are witnessing a phenomenon that to many people appears bizarre and inexplicable: the phenomenon of wealthy capitalists supporting socialism/communism.
Production Versus Consumption
Man’s nature makes him need wealth; his simplest perceptions make him desire it; the problem, they held, is to produce it. Economic theory, therefore, could take for granted the desire to consume, and focus on the ways and means by which production might be increased.
Class Harmony, Not Class War
One of the innumerable destructive consequences of an almost 250-year-old error in economic theory made by Adam Smith.
A Free-Market Solution To Big-Tech Bias
A free-market option to counteracting the bias of today’s internet tech companies.
Slavery vs. Capitalism: The 1619 Project Not Only Ignores Actual History, But Basic Economics
People who believe that slavery is an efficient system of production are people who are ready to impose 100% marginal rates of taxation in the belief that doing so is economically harmless.
How Labor Unions Can Be Anti-Labor
To anyone who understands the role of the productivity of labor in raising real wages, it should be obvious that the unions’ policy of combating the rise in the productivity of labor renders them in fact a leading enemy of the rise in real wages.
Slavery as the Cause of General Loss
While slavery enriched slave owners, it impoverished not only the slaves but also the United States as a whole.
What The Protests Are Protesting
The “protests” are not against the death of George Floyd. His connection is no greater than the length of the fuse needed to set off a vast accumulation of explosive hatred for the United States, the capitalist economic system, and rationality itself.
Anti-“Price-Gouging” Shows a Preference for Suffering Over Profit
If there were no price controls or threat thereof, prices in the present situation would be high enough to keep stocks on the shelves.
Freedom of Inheritance: Repeal The Estate Tax
Repealing the inheritance tax means that substantial sums that would otherwise disappear into government spending programs will instead be used to make capital investments.
The Problem with the Wealth Tax
A Note on Asset Prices, Wealth, and Inequality
The Mirage of Increasing Profits Under Monetary Inflation
Inflation—the government’s expansion of the money supply—creates the appearance of business prosperity along with the fact of general impoverishment, which results in blaming poverty on business and profits.
Shareholders, Not “Stakeholders”
So many CEOs know so little about economics that they don’t know that in a free market producing for the profit of their stockholders in and of itself implies producing for the benefit of everyone.
We Need Free Markets to Cope with Climate Change
Turning our world into one in which practically the entire human race is prohibited from acting for its self-interest on the basis of everyone’s independent intelligence is a formula for mass extinction.
Bernie Sanders vs Walmart: The Wealth of the Wealthy
Bernie wants us to fear billionaires. Actually, the billionaires work for us — for the great mass of average people. They want to acquire money from us. Unlike the government, they cannot simply come and seize our money.
Marx and His Exploitation Theory
As the economic degree of capitalism rises, not only do profit margins and the rate of profit fall, but wage payments come into being and then rise both absolutely and relative to profits.
Wages Under Free-Markets and Capitalism
Capitalism operates to raise wages, shorten hours, end child labor, and improve working conditions.
Classical Economics vs. The Exploitation Theory
Despite the support which it historically gave to the exploitation theory, classical economics provides the basis for turning the exploitation theory upside down.
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