George Reisman

George Reisman, Ph.D., is Pepperdine University Professor Emeritus of Economics and the author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics. See his author's page for additional titles by him. Visit his website and his blog Watch his YouTube videos and follow @GGReisman on Twitter.

The Freedom of Production and Trade Under Capitalism (Part 3 of 10)

An appropriate vehicle for the establishment of the freedom of production and trade, whether all at once or gradually, would be the establishment of one last regulatory-type agency: the Deregulation Agency.

Greens versus Energy

Greens versus Energy

The environmental movement is profoundly antilabor, because in seeking to undercut the productivity of labor, it strikes at the foundation of rising real wages.

Ending Rolling Electric Power Blackouts

Ending Rolling Electric Power Blackouts

Such wonderful progress in the ability to buy electricity and all other goods can continue in this new century—if only power-hungry government officials and misanthropic environmentalists will get out of the way.

Break Up Microsoft?

Break Up Microsoft?

The consumers of computer software need the freedom of Bill Gates and Microsoft to produce and innovate in any branch of computer software they choose.

When Will the Bubble Burst?

When Will the Bubble Burst?

As the inflation-induced appearance of wealth is made to substitute for the fact of wealth, the boom gives rise to a consumption that takes place at the expense of essential saving and capital accumulation and thus serves ultimately to cause impoverishment.

The Clinton Impeachment: No Imperial Presidency

The Clinton Impeachment: No Imperial Presidency

The supporters of the President and, apparently, a majority of the American public, believe that the President should be exempt from laws and sanctions to which ordinary citizens are subject.

Global Crisis and the Survival of Capitalism

Global Crisis and the Survival of Capitalism

A growing number of countries–among them, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, and Russia–are in a state of financial turmoil. They are all suffering from the effects of currency devaluation, widespread bankruptcies and insolvencies, actual or impending bank failures, collapsing stock markets, and mounting unemployment.

The Line-Item Veto Is A Bad Idea

The Line-Item Veto Is A Bad Idea

The line-item veto power thereby grants the President implicit legislative powers. This is clearly not the way to restrain Congressional spending; indeed, in the long-run it can only increase it.

Only A Gold Dollar Will End Deficits

Only A Gold Dollar Will End Deficits

The United States government has had a budget deficit in almost every year since 1933. Repeated pledges to end the deficits have come to nothing. The latest pledge, President Clinton's plan to eliminate the deficit by the year 2002, is only one more such empty...

Environmentalism’s Malaria Holocaust

Environmentalism’s Malaria Holocaust

Environmentalism regards wild speculation as the equivalent of scientific proof, and the “environment”–from California condors and spotted owls to rock formations and jungles–as intrinsically valuable and fully on a par with the value of human life.

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