Protect America: Stop Marrying Terrorists!

Here’s another item to add to Dr. Laura’s list of “10 Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives”: Stupid treachery. An alarming number of American women have ruined their lives — and threatened the lives of their fellow citizens...

Mad about Mandela

According to a Reuters report filed by Brendan Boyle, South African statesman Nelson Mandela condemned President Bush’s policy on Iraq earlier this month, saying he was “appalled” by U.S. threats of military action. According to the report:...

End Sanctuary for Illegal Immigrants

What does fighting terrorism have to do with stemming massive illegal immigration? Much more than government officials have been willing to let on over the past year. When September 11 hijackers Hani Hanjour and Khalid Almihdhar needed help getting fraudulent...

The War on Art Historians

I just discovered a story that sums up, better than anything else, the end result of the War on Terrorism so far. It is a story, not about the suppression of Islamic fanatics in the Middle East, but about the suppression of our own liberties here in the United States....

The Great Power-Shortage Myth

An electric-power blackout is a special case of the wider economic phenomenon of a shortage, that is, of a situation in which the quantity of a good that buyers are seeking to buy at the prevailing price exceeds the quantity of the good that the sellers possess and are willing to sell.

FCC Tunes Out Consumers

Last month, on August 9th, the Federal Communications Commission issued a final order to carry out its 1997 congressional mandate to “phase in” High Definition Television (HDTV) over the next five years. The order says that in 2007, all television signals...

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