The Chief Executive Officer That Got Away

It is a little ironic, in this recent era of intense focus on CEO accountability and corporate malfeasance, that possibly the single greatest default of responsibility by a Chief Executive Officer in our history is going on today virtually without mention. Ken Lay,...

The Media and the Military

Vice President Dick Cheney’s speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars on the need to end Saddam Hussein’s terrorist regime in Iraq was a much-needed dose of cold, hard reality. Those who are wringing their hands over the possibility of a pre-emptive strike...

“Death to America”

America’s war on terrorism did not begin in September 2001. It began in November 1979. That was shortly after Ayatollah Khomeini had seized power in Iran, riding the slogan “Death to America” – and sure enough, the attacks on Americans soon...

“Play Ball” …with Taxpayer Money

“Stop us before we spend again!” Baseball owners, in effect, took this position in the recent game of chicken between baseball players and owners, a showdown that resulted in a settlement on the eve of the strike deadline. Texas Ranger owner Tom Hicks, who...

America Is NOT Winning the War

As we pause on September 11 to remember the stockbrokers, policemen, firefighters and many other fallen Americans, it is vital also to reflect on the progress of the war. For it was precisely to prevent future September 11ths that America responded with force. How...

An America-free 9/11 Commemoration

Leave it to the folks at UC Berkley to make a muck out the upcoming 9/11 anniversary. According to the California Patriot, a student-run publication of the Berkeley Conservative Foundation, a university sponsored 9/11 “Day of Remembrance” will be devoid of...

The Guilt of Defense Attorneys

Samantha Runnion was a victim of perverse ideas. Not just the ideas that drove Alejandro Avila to kidnap, sexually assault and strangulate her, but also those that lawyers use to get defendants off who they know are guilty. One such lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, who helped...

Teachers Who Hate Tests: Part 3

While we ought to learn from our own experiences, it is even better to learn from other people’s experiences, saving ourselves the painful costs of the lessons. In the case of the dominant educational fads of our times, many have been tried out before in other...

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