Black History Month: Why Don’t They Teach About the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade in Africa?

Black history is American history. It ought not be “relegated” to a month, and slavery ought not be relegated to only the European slave trade.

Time to Declare Our Independence From the United Nations

The United Nations is a mess. It now finds itself buried under scandals. It has Oil for Food scandals. Sex scandals. Power-abuse scandals. Smuggling scandals. Theft scandals. And unpaid traffic tickets. Rob, rape, and pillage seems to be the UN's modus operandi. Yet...

Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez: Castro’s Mini-Me

  'One darned thing after another': That's how former Secretary of State Dean Acheson once defined foreign policy. The latest "darned thing" for the United States is Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez. For no apparent reason, the leftist strongman is arming...

China Threatens U.S. Alliances

While the Bush administration continues to push and celebrate significant successes for democracy in the Middle East, China is on an opposing mission in Asia, where it continues to block the spread of freedom. The most recent target of Chinese diplomatic pressure is...

Bush’s Betrayal of America: The Iraqi Elections

President Bush claims that holding elections on January 30 will bring Iraq a step closer to freedom, an outcome allegedly vital to America's security. But the Iraqi election will bring neither freedom to Iraq nor security to America. Consider the beliefs of the Iraqis...

Free Elections in Iraq: Victory and Defeat

Free Elections in Iraq: Victory and Defeat

The defeatists have been defeated. Remember all the political outcries that the Iraqi elections should be postponed because it would be impossible to hold elections with terrorism rampant throughout the country? Fortunately, most Iraqis do not see the American media,...

A Huge Election in Iraq

A Huge Election in Iraq

The election coming up in Iraq may turn out, in the long view of history, to be even more important than our own recent election. Both elections represent a country at a crossroads, with a choice of very different paths to take -- for many years to come -- according...

Kofi Annan and the United Nations

Kofi Annan is in deep trouble.The aura of invincibility that has surrounded Annan in his six-year tenure as United Nations secretary general has been shattered, and it is increasingly likely that he will go in the next six to 12 months. The man who undeservedly won...

John Kerry in Vietnam: A Charlatan?

John Kerry in Vietnam: A Charlatan?

Men who have been in combat together often form a bond that lasts long after the war is over. It is hard to think of a single example of men who faced enemy fire side by side and who later publicly denounced each other. The glaring exceptions are the men who served...

Democracy is No Guarantee of Freedom for Iraq

A free Iraq (or Afghanistan, or Iran for that matter) would not have to exactly duplicate the American system of government, but it would have to duplicate our basic protection of the individual against the majority, i.e., against a democracy.

Kofi Annan Should Step Down From the United Nations

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan's latest interview with British television, in which he dismissed the serious allegations of Oil-for-Food improprieties raised in the Duelfer Report, undermines his credibility and impartiality with regard to the Oil-for-Food...

The Islamic States of America?

The Islamic States of America?

The hardest thing for Westerners to understand is not that a war with militant Islam is underway but that the nature of the enemy’s ultimate goal. That goal is to apply the Islamic law (the Shari‘a) globally. In U.S. terms, it intends to replace the Constitution with the Qur’an.

Veterans vs. Kerry on Vietnam: Part 3

Veterans vs. Kerry on Vietnam: Part 3

A President of the United States should know all sides of an issue. But he cannot be on all sides of an issue. He cannot keep flip-flopping like John Kerry. Despite attempts to depict criticisms of John Kerry by the Vietnam Veterans for Truth as something whose sudden...

Veterans vs. Kerry on Vietnam: Part 2 of 3

Veterans vs. Kerry on Vietnam: Part 2 of 3

In addition to two key books about John Kerry -- Douglas Brinkley's pro-Kerry book "Tour of Duty" and John O'Neill's anti-Kerry book "Unfit for Command" -- there is another book that would be well worth reading -- if you can find a copy. It is John Kerry's own book,...

Veterans vs. Kerry on Vietnam: Part 1 of 3

Veterans vs. Kerry on Vietnam: Part 1 of 3

Senator John Kerry's running mate, Senator John Edwards, has said melodramatically: "Ask the men who served with him in Vietnam!" But now that men who served with Kerry in Vietnam are coming forward and contradicting Kerry's version of what happened there, Senator...

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