
The Meaning Behind Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

On Martin Luther King Day–and every day–we should focus on the antidote to racism and alternative to racial thinking: individualism.

Jim Crow, Racism, and the Free Market

It is often claimed that capitalism leads to all sorts of ills, such as racism and cartels (or monopolies). As with most attacks on capitalism, these claims attempt to blame capitalism for the consequences of government intervention into the economy. The Jim Crow laws...

The Bum, the Cop and the Facts

The Bum, the Cop and the Facts

This is about the barefoot Times Square bum bestowed with a pair of boots on a cold November night by a policeman whose act of charity was photographed by an Arizona tourist. The bum, it turns out, was seen last Sunday on the Upper West Side. The new boots, valued at...

Jim Crow, Racism, and the Free Market

It is often claimed that capitalism leads to all sorts of ills, such as racism and cartels (or monopolies). As with most attacks on capitalism, these claims attempt to blame capitalism for the consequences of government intervention into the economy. The Jim Crow laws...

Remembering the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

Remembering the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

Seeing Reginald Denny being assaulted and mutilated for the color of his skin on live television provided an unforgettable lesson in the politics of race-baiting: that jumping to conclusions may impair government from protecting the public and instead incur looting and killing. L.A.’s riots are a harsh reminder that replacing facts with feelings – which was done by city leaders, the president and a pack of journalists – is a matter of life and death.

Trayvon Martin and Ambulance-Chasing Opportunism

Trayvon Martin and Ambulance-Chasing Opportunism

Shelby Steele is a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution who is critical of the civil rights movement, and of leftism in general. In The Wall Street Journal, he recently wrote that there are two tragedies as a result of the Trayvon Martin slaying....

Could Have Been Obama’s Son

Could Have Been Obama’s Son

Have you heard of Trayvon Martin? Of course you have. He’s the young man who was killed by a neighborhood watch member. Martin was reportedly unarmed and the neighborhood watch person, George Zimmerman, claims he was acting in self-defense. There is some evidence to...

Jackson, Sharpton, Oprah and Trayvon Martin

Jackson, Sharpton, Oprah and Trayvon Martin

To people like Jackson, Sharpton and Oprah, the young man’s death is not so much a crime as an opportunity. It’s an opportunity for them to once again shine, if only for a few moments, in the adoring media spotlight.

The Racism of Diversity

The U.S. Naval Academy's PowerPoint display explains diversity by saying, "Diversity is all the different characteristics and attributes of individual sailors and civilians which enhance the mission readiness of the Navy," adding that: "Diversity is more than equal...

Insulting Blacks

Insulting Blacks

What does it say about blacks who can be taken in by pandering, alarmist nonsense from both whites and blacks as a means to get their votes?

Seattle Public Schools Smear The Antidote for Racism

Seattle Public Schools Smear The Antidote for Racism

According to the Seattle Public Schools, if you're an individualist, you're a racist. On a web page that lists various forms and definitions of racism, the school system defines "Cultural Racism" as: Those aspects of society that overtly and covertly attribute value...

The Only Cure for Racism

If diversity is the cure for racism, why, instead of promoting racial harmony, has it brought racial division and conflict? It is now taken as a virtual axiom that the way to cure racism is through the promulgation of racial and ethnic diversity within corporations,...



Earlier this year, when the Ward Churchill essay became news, my initial reaction was that he should be charged with a crime such as ‘treason’ or ‘aiding and abetting the enemy’. But through discussion with friends, I realized my reaction was wrong, and that his...

Rosa Parks: Pursuit of Profit vs. Racism

Rosa Parks: Pursuit of Profit vs. Racism

The death of Rosa Parks has reminded us of her place in history, as the black woman whose refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white man, in accordance with the Jim Crow laws of Alabama, became the spark that ignited the civil rights movement of the 1950s and...

Recycled “Racism Gap” in the Mortgage Market

Recycled “Racism Gap” in the Mortgage Market

One of the things that happens when you get old is that what seems like news to others can look like a re-run of something you have already seen before. It is like watching an old movie for the fifth or sixth time. A headline in the September 14th issue of the New...

The Racism of “Diversity”

Texas A&M president Robert Gates should be praised for announcing that race will no longer be a factor when applications are considered, and that students "should be admitted as individuals, on personal merit--and no other basis." What is needed now is for him, and...

Supreme Court Defends Racism in America's Universities

Last week's Supreme Court rulings in the University of Michigan cases set a modern record for shamelessess. State universities are not barred by the Constitution from engaging in racial discrimination, five justices decided. They are only prohibited from doing so...

Saving Racism in our Universities

Saving Racism in our Universities

There was some talk recently about upcoming vacancies on the Supreme Court because some retirements were expected. However, the High Court's decision on affirmative action suggests that there are already vacancies, even though no one has resigned. We can only hope...

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