The contemporary hatred openly unleashed by the Marxist Left against whites–especially males–is eye-opening.
America’s Coming Race War: Capitalism’s Enemies Are Pushing America Toward a Race War (Part 1 of 4)
American collectivists/socialists are pushing the country toward race war.
The Fruits of College Indoctrination: Incivility, Censorship and a Contempt for Capitalism
Once the leftists gain control, as they have at many universities, free speech becomes a liability and must be suppressed.
We Have an Identity Problem
It’s biology, and not political agendas, that determine one’s race and sex.
No Need To Apologize for “White Advertising”
Displaying racial diversity in ads is not a moral duty.
If Trump Is ‘Racist,’ He Needs to Go Back to Racism School
Under this “racist” President, black unemployment, since the government began keeping numbers, hit an all-time low in May.
Free Market Capitalism is the Humanistic Solution to the World’s Political and Economic Problems
What our world needs today is to transcend the collectivisms of the present, whether under more extreme authoritarian regimes or the seemingly milder spiders’ web of controls and commands of the interventionist-welfare state under existing democratic systems of government.
Race and Sports: It’s Not 1947 Anymore. Let’s Not Pretend That It Is
Because of pioneers like Jackie Robinson, we can now pretty much sit back and just watch a good game. Politics can wait a few hours.
The Presidential Legacies of Donald Trump and Barrack Obama
Barack Obama’s paternalism or Donald Trump’s nationalism?
Racism in Business
Collectivists believe that individuals have value and identity only as members of a group, whether a tribe, a member of a political movement, a race. Therefore, collectivists hold, we should judge people as members of a group, not as individual human beings based on their own character or conduct.
What Capitalism Is and What Capitalism Is Not (Part 1 of 2)
“Capitalism is an economic system based on the principle of every individual’s right to his own life, his own liberty and his own honestly acquired property. This private property includes his own mind and body, and the physical products that his mental and physical efforts have produced.”
Only Capitalism Can End The Racism of “Identity Politics”
The change from social attitudes and political systems of collectivism to that of ones more “individualistic” began in “the West,” in Europe and then North America.
The “White Privilege” Scam: A Formula for Injustice
The concept of white privilege is an invitation to the violation of the rights of whites to the same extent that the rights of blacks have been violated.
Immigration is a Moral Issue
In the name of individual rights, we should dismantle the entire bureaucracy of immigration restrictions
The Anti-Capitalist Attack on Freedom of Thought, Speech, and Association
The assertion and repetition of “white privilege,” “the one percent,” “social justice,” “racist,” “gay-basher,” “LGBT-hater,” “gender insensitivity,” etc., have had numbing effects on private and public discourse.
Appeasing The Campus “Thought Police”: UCLA Bans Book at a Free Speech Event
If today’s students are increasingly hostile to intellectual freedom, can we really expect tomorrow’s voters, lawyers, judges, politicians to uphold free speech?
Capitalism, Marxism and Black Americans
On collectivist myths and racial prejudice
Why Regressive Leftists Cry Racism
Individualism is the only alternative to racism. Anyone who claims to abhor racism while still embracing the victim-soaked, collectivistic rule-by-force mentality of socialistic progressive leftism enjoys no credibility at all.
“Black Lives Matter” Is Focused on the Wrong Culprit and the Wrong Solution
The group that most devalues my life is not abusive law enforcement nor white racism — though these exist and should be fought — it is black criminals.
The New Black Segregation at California State University is Still Racism
The civil rights movement started out in the 1950s and 1960s as against white-black segregation. And now, half a century later, we’re back to full-fledged white-black segregation at California state schools.
Colin Kaepernick’s Fight Against ‘Racism’
The first problem with Kaepernick’s “protest” is that the Black Lives Matter movement, launched after the death of black suspect Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, is based on a lie.
Despite The Positive Aspects of Capitalism, Anti-Capitalism Still Haunts the World
Let us not forget that over the last hundred years virtually every form of collectivism has been tried – socialism, communism, fascism, Nazism, interventionism, welfare statism – and each has failed. There is only one “ism” left to fill this vacuum in the face of collectivism’s failures.
Donald Trump the Corrupt Creation of America’s Bankrupt Politics
The Democrats and the Republicans, the progressives on the “left” and the go-along to get-along conservatives on the “right, are the ones who made Donald Trump.
Capitalism 101: “Progressives” are Enemies of Freedom
Through all the progressive’s rhetoric about “democracy” and “equality” and “social justice” and “diversity,” theirs is a political philosophy and public policy ideology of elitism, hubris, and authoritarianism.
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