There is a crisis within the Black community that one cannot pin on racism.
Race-Tinted Glasses
Random Thoughts While Not Out ‘Protesting’
The White George Floyd and The Hypocrisy of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Organizations
How cultural Marxists coopted the phrase “black lives matter” to instigate protests and riots to push a racist, anti-capitalist narrative to gain political power, while making Americans of all colors worse off.
Businesses Cannot Eradicate The Collectivism of Racism with ‘Reverse Racism’
Only in a society where individual rights are recognized and the government’s sole role is to protect them, will racism be eradicated.
America: A Racist Nation?
The recent murder of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis was ghastly and reminds us of the hideous racial injustice directed against black Americans in the nation’s past.
The True Plight of Black Americans is Not “Systemic Racism”
The true plight of black people has little or nothing to do with the police or what has been called “systemic racism.” Instead, we need to look at the responsibilities of those running our big cities.
The George Floyd Riots: Where’s Black Lives Matter When You Need Them?
Black lives matter. Black businesses, not so much.
Bryan Adams is Not a Racist, But a Victim of “Social Justice”
Whether one agrees with Adam’s views on “wet markets,” the origin of COVID-19, or the benefits of veganism, the “social justice” attacks on Bryan Adams as a “racist” are misguided. Far from being a racist, Bryan Adams is a victim. Bryan Adam’s accusers owe him an apology.
Manipulation Through Racial Hoaxes
It may be perplexing to some, but I believe that our nation has made great progress in matters of race, so much so that imaginary racism and racial hoaxes must be found.
Black Identity
Multiculturalism today celebrates all cultures but it is the poor who ultimately pay the price of that celebration in stunted development, missed opportunities and blighted lives.
The Worst Enemy of Black People According to Malcolm X
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have.” — Malcom X
Diversity and Inclusion Insanity
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
Community Reinvestment Act: ‘Reparations’ Gone Bad
The dangers of discriminating for minority home owners.
The New Racism
The new racism, born in academia, is just as ugly as the old racism.
“Lack of Diversity” as a Call for Affirmative Racism
On the the call for a nation where one will be judged by the color of their skin over the content of their character.
Black Americans: Fodder For the Democratic Political Agenda?
White and black “liberals”, who claim that blacks face a “mortal threat” from the “white supremacist in the White House” are perpetuating a cruel hoax. The primary victims of that hoax are black people.
What Michelle Obama Evades About ‘White Flight’
What about violent black-white interracial crime? According to the FBI’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2018, there were about 600,000 such instances. In 90% of them, the perpetrator was black, the victim white.
Turning Point: The Democrat Stranglehold on Black Americans is Ending
“Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens inside your house.”
Peddling Victimhood: Who Cares About You?
Are white people obsessed with and engaged in a conspiracy against black people?
How Important Is Today’s Racial Discrimination?
How much of the plight of many blacks can be explained by current racial discrimination?
Was Trump Right About Baltimore?
Here's what President Donald Trump tweeted about Baltimore's congressman and his city: "Rep. Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his...
Being a Racist Is Easy Today
When leftists have no other winning argument, they falsely accuse others of racism.
Worse Than Racists
Chief among the policies that reward inferiority and irresponsibility is the welfare state.
Reparations for Slavery
Slavery doesn’t have a good record of producing wealth.
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