Hannah Arendt’s eyewitness assessment of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann as “terribly and terrifyingly normal” took the world by surprise.
A Noncrisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Just as statists use a crisis to advance their agenda, advocates of the free market should use a noncrisis to advance our cause.
Novak Djokovic in Vax Mandate Land
The Biden administration bans unvaccinated Novak Djokovic, who tests negative for covid-19, while welcoming vaccinated foreigners who are potentially positive for the virus. Welcome to the anti-science, anti-freedom fascist world of Vax Mandate Land.
Rent Control is Fascism
Rent control provides a pretense of private property.
Are Today’s Leftists Truly Marxists?
Marx is a hero to many labor union leaders and civil rights organizations, including leftist groups like Black Lives Matter, antifa and some Democratic Party leaders.
Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit
The bulk of Dr. Deborah Birx’s book is a brag fest about how she kept subverting the White House’s push to open up the economy – that is, allow people to exercise their rights and freedoms.
Tennis Chamption Novak Djokovic and the US Open: Let Him Play
Among the best tennis players of all time, and also possibly the healthiest human being on the planet who is obsessive-compulsive about his fitness, Djokovic was unable to play in the Australian Open because he refused to take a Covid vaccine. Now he faces the repeat prospect of the Biden administration barring him from entering to compete in the US Open, even though unvaccinated Americans can compete.
White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci Supports Dictatorship
In his zeal to protect the nonexistent entity known as “the public,” Fauci ignores the individuals who comprise the public. Individuals don’t matter to Fauci or any other would-be tyrant.
Supreme Court Rejects EPA’s Broad Claim of Authority to Limit Greenhouse Gases from Power Plants
If the federal government is going to take action regarding climate change, that action will have to come from Congress.
How the Biden Administration and the Global Anti-Fossil-Fuel Movement Caused an Energy Crisis and Inflated Our Cost of Living
Testimony for the Congressional Off-Site Hearing: “Addressing Bidenflation and Biden’s Energy Crisis.”
Chronology of Biden’s Gasoline Price Hike
By the end of February 2022, average national gasoline prices were 66 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.592 a gallon for the month.
Rent Selling Countries are More Corrupt and Less Wealthy
Cronyism isn’t a brand of capitalism, but a symptom of hybrid systems. The root problem of cronyism isn’t one of demanders who bribe, but of suppliers who extort.
Why Won’t Government Central Planners Admit Failure?
Few things are more dangerous to the future of humanity than a failed and humiliated ruling class that still possesses power.
How The Free World Should Deal with Dictatorships
Dictatorships use their connections to the free world to get unearned respect, steal technology and money, and spread propaganda. The best solution would be to achieve the highest degree of separation possible between the free world and the unfree world.
Give Floridians Additional Choices Alongside Obamacare
If lawmakers pass a law recognizing insurance licenses from U.S. territories, Florida consumers and employers could purchase individual or group plans from insurers in Puerto Rico or any other U.S. territory.
Why Is CDC Trying to Put a Mask on Your Face Again?
The massive political power for unelected bureaucrats to arbitrarily dehumanize Americans with mandates, fines, lockdowns, and prison at whim is what the Biden Administration, DOJ, and CDC are now fighting for.
The Nation’s Top Scientists Lied
“Scott Atlas stated the simple fact that immunity is higher than those with antibodies, whereupon Dr. Fauci criticizes him without contradicting what was actually said. Stating a simple scientific fact is not ‘extraordinarily inappropriate.’ What is going on?”
A Parent’s Guide to Kendi’s Antiracist Baby
Ibram X. Kendi’s antiracism – like racism – is an ideology that manages to indoctrinate and segregate. Far from healing history’s wounds, Ibram X. Kendi’s “antiracism” sows disharmony. Maybe we should go back to reading liberalism to our children. By liberalism, I mean a cluster of ideas that includes equal freedom, equal treatment under the law, and colorblindness.
Is Liberalism a Lost Cause?
Were those of us who, after the end of the Cold War, the rise of the Internet, and the turn of the 20th century, celebrated the inevitably of progress and freedom similarly wallowing in a negligent naivete about the evils that were waiting for the right moment to unleash themselves on the world?
Is It Time to Ditch the Word Capitalism? Not so Fast
Don’t discard those “I love Capitalism” T-shirts just yet.
Fauci’s United Front Is Collapsing
Eban’s article adds tremendous detail about the great lengths to which our Fauci-led cabal of officials worked hard to suppress dissent on the question of lab-vs-natural origin.
Attila and the Witch Doctor Rule Russia Today
Russia today provides a perfect example of the combination of the two philosophical archetypes Ayn Rand described in her brilliant essay, “For the New Intellectual.”
Is America Regressing to Tribalism?
The ideal of America was for people to be united under the principle of individual rights.
How Coercion Compromised the Vaccine
The vaccine for this virus should never have been mandated. Having done so, public health has done itself deep harm. One wonders if the reputation of vaccines in general can recover.
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