Privatization of the Veterans Health Administration would improve health care for veterans and nonveterans alike.
Michael F. Cannon
The Myth of the Free-Market US Health Sector
Conti, Frank, and Cutler shatter the common myths that the United States has “largely unregulated prices” for medical care or is “one of the only developed countries where health care is left mostly to the free market.”
The Single Greatest Obstacle to Health Care Quality
When government asserts control over your health care, it creates opportunities for low‐quality providers to lobby for subsidies and regulations that protect them from competition from high‐quality producers.
Biden’s New Plan Threatens Health Coverage for More than Half a Million People
Biden’s proposal would eliminate consumer protections, throw sick patients out of their health insurance, and leave them to face sky-high medical bills without insurance for up to one year.
Recovery: A Guide to Reforming the U.S. Health Sector
If you support universal health care and the right of patients to make their own health decisions, there might be more for you in Recovery than you might think. I hope you’ll give it a look.
Government Undermines Health Care Quality, While Choice Promotes It
There’s no Democratic or Republican way to promote quality. There is only what works, and that’s letting consumers reward quality by making their own health decisions.
Medicare for All Would Mean Worse Care for All
Sanders gets an “A” for passion, but an “F” in compassion.
Medicare Is Not Taxing or Coercing Merck, Just Reducing Its Government Subsidies
The fact that people would even think to equate Merck losing government business to coercion shows just how much government dominates health care in the United States.
The Original Sin of U.S. Health Policy
How the federal income tax effectively created a penalty on individual control of medical and health insurance decisions that continues to this day.
Regulations Strangle Health‐Insurance Options in Florida
This isn’t market failure. It is the result of government regulation.
Insulin Markets Need Less Government
Thanks to government, insulin is hard to get.
Government Regulation Is the Scourge of Diabetics, Not Their Savior
Government is already driving insulin prices sky‐high. Further intervention would make matters worse.
Give Floridians Additional Choices Alongside Obamacare
If lawmakers pass a law recognizing insurance licenses from U.S. territories, Florida consumers and employers could purchase individual or group plans from insurers in Puerto Rico or any other U.S. territory.
Biden Proposes Government Price Controls on Prescription Drugs
The optimal price government should pay for medical care, including prescription drugs, is $0.00.
Is Obamacare Harming Quality? (Part 1)
While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) promises “quality health insurance coverage for all Americans,” a potential tradeoff exists between the law’s dual goals of promoting quality and preventing insurance companies from denying coverage or charging higher premiums to patients with preexisting conditions.
How To Ensure Quality Health Coverage (Part 2)
Why providing sick patients secure access to quality health care requires allowing consumers to purchase health plans not subject to Obamacare’s preexisting conditions provisions.
Obamacare Makes It Easier than Ever to Free‐Ride
The more Americans figure out that Obamacare has made free—riding safer than ever, the more exchange enrollments will fall, posing a serious threat to Obamacare’s future.
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