Most reporters don’t like free markets, and politicians rarely talk about change they don’t control.
Was Trump Right About Baltimore?
Here's what President Donald Trump tweeted about Baltimore's congressman and his city: "Rep. Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his...
The Vietnam War by Ken Burns on PBS: Flawed, But Compelling
The Vietnam War, a 10-part series for PBS which aired in 2017, is flawed, biased and incomplete. It is also a compelling and important examination of the Southeast Asia war America lost.
Laissez Faire vs. Interventionism
In eighteenth-century France the saying laissez faire, laissez passer was the formula into which some of the champions of the cause of liberty compressed their program. Their aim was the establishment of the unhampered market society. In order to attain this end they...
Senator Kamala Harris “Wins” the Milking Taxpayers for “Free Stuff” Contest
While Trump’s $267 billion is bad, the Democrats’ plans are worse. We counted $297 billion proposed by Biden, $690 billion from Buttigieg, $3.8 trillion from Warren, $4 trillion from Sanders and $4.3 trillion from Harris.
Being a Racist Is Easy Today
When leftists have no other winning argument, they falsely accuse others of racism.
Laffer Gets Laughable
While the willingness to abandon long held beliefs for political gain has always been a common trait among public figures, the spectacle has recently taken on shocking levels of casual audacity. The contempt for even minimal levels of intellectual consistency has...
Trump Puts The Nail In The Tea Party Coffin
The Trump sanctioned agreement to suspend the debt ceiling and push annual deficits even further above the trillion dollar mark may only succeed in destroying the Republican Party as we know it.
Like Socialism, Conservative Nationalism Is Not About Liberty
American “nationalism,” if we are to call it this, is neither identity-politics socialism nor this newly proclaimed “conservative” national socialism. It was, and should be, an allegiance to individual liberty and unlimited economic freedom of trade and association for all things peaceful.
After Trump’s ‘Racist’ Tweets, Democrats Demand ‘Civility,’ But When Have They Practiced It?
President Donald Trump, in a series of tweets, offered four freshman Democratic congresswomen a suggestion. Given their complaints about America and about Israel, tweeted Trump, the four, aka "the Squad" should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime...
The Let-Alone Principle
“[T]he political system is most conducive to the public good in which the rightful liberty of the individual is least abridged.”
The Federal Death Agency (FDA)
The path to genetic cures and radical life extension begins with the abolition of that Servant of Death: the FDA.
New Evidence that Soaring Inequality is a Myth
How a political push to justify increased taxation has afflicted the entire economic inequality debate.
Replace Social Security Ponzi Schemes with Private Savings Accounts
Social Security is running out of money. You may not believe that, but it's a fact. That FICA money taken from your paycheck was not saved for you in a "trust fund." Politicians misled us. They spent every penny the moment it came in. This started as soon as they...
A Wealth Tax on the Rich Is Motivated By Anti-Capitalist Ideology and Not Economics
Is a proposed federal wealth tax on the ultra-rich the solution to America’s budget-deficit woes?
Democratic Party “Progressive” Promises and the Cost To Liberty
Keep in mind what “progressive” means in this political context: an increase in the size, scope, and cost of government in American society.
The Statistical Problems Behind Piketty and Saez’s Claims of Spiraling Inequality
Instead of assuming that we’re in the midst of a surging inequality crisis, we should first settle more fundamental issues affecting the accuracy of our measurements over the past century.
Free Things and Unfree People
The freebies approach to political campaigning and policymaking brazenly panders to mooching and, by expanding the size, scope, and power of government, also institutionalizes looting. As politicians today assert, so loudly and sanctimoniously, that things like food,...
Dear Anti-Capitalist Billionaires, Why Wait For a Wealth Tax? Contribute Your Money Now!
George Soros and his son Alexander Soros, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, heiress Abigail Disney and “Anonymous” are free to give their wealth to politicians right now.
Democratic Candidates are Paving The Way For a Trump Victory
These two debates, in which the candidates fell over themselves offering free stuff, had one clear winner: President Donald Trump.
It Wasn’t Coercion That Made America Great, But Freedom
America will do best if we remember that the Declaration of Independence talks about “limited” government and reminds us that every individual has inalienable rights.
Worse Than Racists
Chief among the policies that reward inferiority and irresponsibility is the welfare state.
Laissez-Faire Capitalism: A Declaration of Independence from Statism
The Declaration of Independence, proclaimed by members of the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, is the founding document of the American experiment in free government. What is too often forgotten is that what the Founding Fathers argued against in the Declaration was the heavy and intrusive hand of big government.
Reparations for Slavery
Slavery doesn’t have a good record of producing wealth.
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