The Hollywood Left on Guns

With the Academy Awards behind us, we now turn our attention to the SAP Awards, honoring the biggest Second Amendment Phony. And the nominees are: — “The West Wing.” In a recent episode, President Josiah Bartlet, played by Martin Sheen, pronounced...

The Latest European Fashion

The rocks have been lifted all over Europe, and the snakes of Jew-hatred are slithering free. In Belgium, thugs beat up the chief rabbi, kicking him in the face and calling him “a dirty Jew.” Two synagogues in Brussels were firebombed; a third, in...

War for Peace

After 10 years of seeking security through “land for peace” deals, Israel has finally rediscovered the formula for real security: war for peace. Notice what you have seen in the news for the past few weeks: Europeans screaming about civilian casualties at...

The Earth is Mankind’s Garden

If the welfare of human life was the standard by which we judged industry and technology, there would be no reason to have a day like “Earth Day.” Rather than the environmentalists parading their assault on anything and everything that is a mark of human...

Ms. Coach vs. Mr. Coach

“There’s a lot of outcry now over the serious lack of female coaches, but not enough being done to solve the problem,” said a former physical education professor. According to Linda Carpenter, the co-author of the Women in Intercollegiate Sport...

Race Rationales vs. Results

Can you think of any reason why the past or present sufferings of blacks would justify letting a white student get admitted to an elite public high school in San Francisco over a Chinese American student with higher qualifications? Most people would think that such a...

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