Black History Month: Why Don’t They Teach About the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade in Africa?

Black history is American history. It ought not be “relegated” to a month, and slavery ought not be relegated to only the European slave trade.

Israel Needs a Border, not a Fence

IN ITS MOST RECENT IMPOTENT attempt to put an end to the suicidal butchery arriving from the Palestinian territories, the Israeli government has proposed a fence that would run from the Salem checkpoint in the north to Kafr Qasem in the south, while another stretch of...

Venezuela: A New Junket for Jimmy Carter

Former President Carter, who often found good things to say about some of the world’s worst dictators, may not be the best person to sniff out the truth. His own willingness to excuse leftist governments that try to guarantee citizens economic privileges in place of political rights may also blind him to the wreckage that populism has left in this oil-rich but poverty-stricken nation.

Castro’s Reign is an Abomination

Last month, in a heartfelt address, President Bush spoke out in support of a nation suffering under tyranny. He declared that its people are entitled to liberty, democracy, and dignity, and he condemned the dictator "who jails and tortures and exiles his political...

A Mexican VISA-Vending Scandal

President Bush signed an immigration reform bill last month that will supposedly make our borders "more secure" and "smart." But "smart" technology can't cure corrupted borders. This new law won't do much good if our own State Department officials are willing to sell...

Lift America’s Embargo on Cuba?

When Fidel Castro dies, will Cuba's communist dictatorship die too? Absolutely, says a prominent Western diplomat in Havana. "I believe the whole system will be gone within two or three years after Castro dies." Absolutely not, says Ricardo Alarcon, the powerful...

Israel Morals Match Rand Ideology

If an individual, and a fictional one at that, can be a microcosm of a state, then Israel and Howard Roark, the legendary architect of Ayn Rand's classic "The Fountainhead," may have a lot in common. Sound far-fetched? Not according to the Ayn Rand Institute, which...

The European Union Wants to Tax You!

You don't have to be an economist to know that when tax collectors from the European Union complain about "certain distortions of competition" and announce a need to "correct" it, a blueprint for higher taxes can't be far behind. This normally wouldn't concern most...

The United Nation’s War Against Israel

In true U.N tradition, Annan ignores the action of gunmen that murder five-year old girls in cold blood, of teenage bombers programmed to indiscriminately kill Jews and of the Palestinian soldiers that cower in teeming population centers, allowing woman and children to suffer the consequences of their actions — all clear violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

An America President in Communist Cuba

Two major stories emerged last week regarding Cuba; one story you probably know -- Jimmy Carter was in Cuba -- and the other you probably do not. The contrast represents the complete inversion of what really matters. An American president in Cuba, current or former,...

Trading Places on Taxes: Russia and the United States

Eleven years ago, the Soviet Union was a communist dictatorship, an "evil empire," in the words of President Reagan. But today, the Cold War is a fading memory, and the nation that used to represent international socialism has junked its "progressive" income tax for a...

Israel or the Palestinians? Making the Moral Choice

As the Israeli military stomps Palestinian gunmen and levels their lairs, the chorus of voices chanting "restraint!" has unfortunately been joined by the Bush administration, albeit with less gusto than the Europeans. But its detractors notwithstanding, Israel is...

Destroying Israel on the Installment Plan

Destroying Israel on the Installment Plan

Everyone seems to be clamoring for the United States to "do something" about the carnage in the Middle East. Demands for action are ringing out from the pacifists on the left to the "national greatness" crowd among the neo-conservatives on the right. Whether in...

United Nations Call for Palestinian State Spells Suicide for Palestinians

United Nations Call for Palestinian State Spells Suicide for Palestinians

In place of the terrorists now representing them, Palestinians should send to the negotiating table representatives who believe in and honor individual rights–leaders who plan to establish a free civilized country where violence is abhorred and suppressed. Only then will Palestinians have earned the right to a state of their own.

The Latest European Fashion

The rocks have been lifted all over Europe, and the snakes of Jew-hatred are slithering free. In Belgium, thugs beat up the chief rabbi, kicking him in the face and calling him "a dirty Jew." Two synagogues in Brussels were firebombed; a third, in Charleroi, was...

Why Israel Must Not Withdraw

Colin Powell has failed, so far, in his attempt to browbeat Israel into joining America's official surrender in the War on Terrorism. Yet Ariel Sharon has repeatedly stated that his armies will eventually withdraw from the West Bank, and that Israel does not intend to...

Cuba’s Bravest and Best

HAVANA -- "There are no banned books in Cuba," Fidel Castro declared in February 1998, "only those which we have no money to buy." Of course, books *are* banned in Cuba; just try to locate one that criticizes Castro. Bookstores and public libraries here carry works...

Cuba on No Dollars a Day

"This is the real Havana," Miguel said as we turned from Avenida Simon Bolivar to a gritty side street cratered with potholes. "Here you see how Cubans live. Tourists don't come to *this* street." Well, they might if they were simply walking around, as I had been when...

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