Middle East & Israel

On The Release of Israeli Hostages by Hamas: It Wasn’t a Deal – It Was a Crime

The decision by the Israeli government to make significant concessions to the Hamas kidnappers should never be called a “deal.” It was an extortion.

Endgame in Afghanistan

Even before the amount of Taliban-controlled territory in Afghanistan had shrunk to virtually nothing and Osama bin Laden's forces had beat a hasty retreat deep into the mountains, the question arose: Where should we carry the war on terrorism next? Iraq, perhaps?...

Arabs Have Never Accepted Israel

In June of this year, Palestinian television broadcast a sermon in a Gaza mosque in which the imam, Ibrahim Madi, made the following statement: "God willing, this unjust state [of] Israel, will be erased; this unjust state the United States will be erased; this unjust...

Israel May Be Winning

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell recently observed that the Palestinians "need to understand that [terrorism] leads nowhere," and on this basis he urged them to stop their violence against Israelis. Good policy advice, but does the Palestinian use of violence truly...

An Afghanistan Thanksgiving

This year's Thanksgiving was an unusual one. This uniquely American holiday was punctuated with a constant flow of news ... at our house, most of it courtesy of my friend Jack, an inveterate news hound ... about far-off Afghanistan. I had feared, after Sept. 11, that...

We are all Israelis Now

The day after last Tuesday's bombings, the headline of the French newspaper Le Monde declared: "We are all Americans now." It was an extraordinary gesture, especially from the French and especially from Le Monde. But the more appropriate headline, both in Europe and...

Free Markets Can End The OPEC Cartel

Free Markets Can End The OPEC Cartel

Had the United States pursued a policy of economic freedom with respect to energy production over the last thirty years, the conditions for OPEC’s success as a cartel would never have been present in the first place.

Israel’s Deal with the Devil

The last two months have witnessed a fresh outbreak of violence in Israel and the death toll keeps rising every day. The "peace process," which started with great fanfare when Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat shook hands in front of a beaming Bill Clinton and happy...

The Peace Process War in Israel/Palestine

After seven years of tireless negotiations, we can finally see the hard-won result of the Middle Eastern "peace process": war. Make no mistake about it. The current orgy of killing in Israel/Palestine is not due to a failure or breakdown in negotiations, or even a...

Iraq: The Wrong War

President Clinton's air strike against Iraq is more than geographically misguided. Clinton is fighting the wrong country for the wrong reasons. Because he "doesn't want to take sides," Clinton has launched missiles and flown patrols well away from the battle area,...

Israel’s–and America’s–Fundamental Choice

Over the coming months, the Clinton Administration will pressure the Israeli government to moderate its "impractical" stand toward the Arab countries. But the only practical policy in the Middle East rests upon the very opposite of moderation: the courage to act on...

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