Black people die far more often at the hands of other black people than at the hands of white people.
Compassionate Totalitarians: Clinton, Sanders and Progressivism
Let’s talk about the origins of progressivism.
Sloppy Language: Racial Segregation, Disparities, Gaps and Disproportionality
Before we invest resources into worrying about such matters, we might focus on language corruption, because it is polluting our thinking, resulting in inept and dangerous social policies.
The Demand for Villains
The latest tempest in a teapot controversy is over a lack of black nominees for this year’s Academy Awards in Hollywood.
Slavery Is Impossible Under Capitalism
Capitalism, in its quest for profit drives out concerns with irrelevant factors such as race, gender, and so forth.
Random Thoughts for November 2015
Random thoughts on the passing scene…
The Solution Lies with Black People
Blacks in positions of political power has not lived up to its billing.
Bad Government Thrives on Our Irrational Fears
Fear is a friend of the state. When people are frightened, they willingly give money and power to politicians and bureaucrats.
Who is Responsible for Creating Fear of a Young Black Man in a Hoodie?
Hillary Clinton told a mixed audience, “I mean, if we’re honest, for a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear.”
Let’s Take Back Columbus Day
Western civilization did not originate slavery, racism, warfare, or disease–but with America as its exemplar, that civilization created the antidotes.
What’s Holding Women Back in the Workplace?
Among the many reasons for gross disparities in many fields, and at different income levels, is that human beings differ in what they want to do, quite aside from any differences in what they are capable of doing, or what others permit them to do.
Problems in Black America: A Legacy of Slavery and Discrimination, or Something Else?
One of the best-kept secrets is the fact that the poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits since 1994.
Bryce Williams: Victim of Society or Just Plain Evil?
Williams’ sickness resided in his inability and unwillingness to look at people as individuals, and instead to view everything through a collective lens.
The Racist Premises Behind ‘Black Lives Matter’
“Black Lives Matter” is about as non-racist an organization as any white supremacy group.
Reverse Racism
The civil rights division of the Justice Department has turned the same blind eye to similar voter intimidation and corruption of the voting process by other people and other organizations in other cities and states — so long as those being victimized were white and the victimizers were black.
Academic Fascism in America
From the Nazis to the Stalinists, tyrants have always started out supporting free speech, and why is easy to understand. Speech is vital for the realization of their goals of command, control and confiscation. Free speech is a basic tool for indoctrination, propagandizing, proselytization. Once the leftists gain control, as they have at many universities, free speech becomes a liability and must be suppressed.
Legal and Academic Equality Nonsense
If America’s diversity worshippers see underrepresentation as probative of racial discrimination, what do they propose be done about overrepresentation?
Blacks Americans Are Worse Off Under President Obama
After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.
Cure for Racial Dishonesty
Williams pokes fun at racial fakery.
Racial Fakery: You’re What You Say You Are
Rachel A. Dolezal, the recently resigned president of the Spokane, Washington, office of the NAACP, has come under a bit of controversy.
Obama Uses Tragedy in Charleston To Push Anti-Second Amendment Agenda
The vast majority of people who own guns for their own self-protection are in no way responsible for a criminal, terrorizing person’s choice to harm others.
NAACP Stands for a Color Focused and Not Color-Blind Society
The NAACP and Rachel Dolezal stand for the same things: Victimhood above individualism; racial identity above personal identity; and collectivist socialism above private property and capitalism.
Socialist “Justice”
Only socialism could take an oil-rich nation and turn it into one where people wait in line for hours for survival rations.
Obama’s Confusions Over Iran
Obama appears to believe that there’s no difference between a racist and totalitarian government like Iran wielding a nuclear weapon and a largely rights-respecting government like Israel (or the United States) having nuclear weapons.
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