Thomas A. Bowden

Thomas A. Bowden, author of The Enemies of Christopher Columbus, is a  writer for the Ayn Rand Institute in Irvine, CA. The Institute promotes Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Thomas A. Bowden practices law in Baltimore, Maryland.

The Joy of Football: The Super Bowl Offers a Too-Rare Celebration of Goal-Achievement

The essential value of spectator sports lies in their capacity to illustrate, in a dramatic way, the process of human goal-achievement.

Supreme Court Disappointments

Supreme Court Disappointments

America desperately needs a new generation of judges who understand that their function is not to uphold social opinions but to protect our rights.

The Joy of Football

As half the nation eagerly awaits the kickoff of the Super Bowl, the other half looks on in wonderment at what could be so enthralling about grown men running up and down a field carrying an oblong ball. Football fans who cannot articulate why they feel such passion...

Employee Free Choice Act: Organized Extortion Made Possible by Federal Labor Laws

Employee Free Choice Act: Organized Extortion Made Possible by Federal Labor Laws

Congress should not only reject the transparent power grab known as the Employee Free Choice Act, it should start hacking at the root of the complex federal regime that denies free choice in bargaining. That means repealing the Wagner Act, so that labor law can recognize and protect the absolute right of companies and employees to deal with each other on an entirely voluntary basis.

A Proper Public Policy for Dealing with Hurricanes and Other Natural Diasters

A Proper Public Policy for Dealing with Hurricanes and Other Natural Diasters

The Katrina tragedy and the more recent experience of Hurricane Ike should call into question the so-called safety net composed of government policies that actually encourage people to embrace risks they would otherwise shun–to build in defiance of historically obvious dangers, secure in the knowledge that innocent others will be forced to share the costs when the worst happens.

Your Child Is Not State Property

Your Child Is Not State Property

Education, like nutrition, should be recognized as the exclusive domain of a child’s parents, within legal limits objectively defining child abuse and neglect.

Defining the Right of Self-Defense by Gun

Defining the Right of Self-Defense by Gun

Self-defense was his right, as it is ours. A proper legal system recognizes and protects that right, by permitting private ownership of handguns under appropriate limits.

Assisted Suicide: A Moral Right

Assisted Suicide: A Moral Right

Conservatives crave to inject religion into the bloodstream of American law, thereby assisting in our own national suicide. However, they cannot succeed without the Supreme Court’s consent. Sooner or later, the Court must confront the main issue, and decide whether an individual’s right to life includes the right to commit suicide.

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