I fear the kind of government that can shut down public gatherings and centrally plan healthcare and everything else. I fear it much more than a virus.
Socialism’s Past: Senator Bernie Sanders’ Call for Socialism
Bernie Sanders’ statements are not that different from those of Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez and other tyrants.
Red Tape vs. Your Health: How Regulation Botched Coronavirus Testing
Highly restrictive government regulations have had the unintended consequence of shutting down tests that could detect outbreaks and save lives.
COVID-19 Response: Why Should the U.S. Copy China Rather Than South Korea?
The South Korean government has brought about superior outcomes than the much heavier handed, authoritarian measures of China, Italy, the U.S., and virtually every other afflicted nation.
Individual Rights vs. Statist Wishes: So-Called “Right to Health Care”
In order for government to provide medical services to someone who cannot afford it, it must use intimidation, threats, and coercion to take the earnings of another American to provide that service.
Moral Hazard
Although “moral hazard” is an insurance term, it applies to other government policies besides insurance.
Senator Elizabeth Warren: Central Planner for ‘State Capitalism’
Warren herself would have made a bad president, but of far more concern was her potential to act as a force multiplier for bad presidents down the road.
Liberals Should Reject Welfare Statism
The decades-old “social liberalism” of the progressives has finally “come out of the closet” to, now, boastfully declare what it has always been – a form of socialism but made milder in sound with the modifier “democratic” in front of it.
Forbidden Parenting
Some parents are so neglectful that government should intervene, but not by “telling us every little detail how to raise our children.”
Mike Bloomberg’s Nanny State
Bloomberg may not be a communist, but he is no principled, limited-government capitalist, either. Bloomberg, unfortunately, is yet another unprincipled power-hungry political egomaniac.
The Revolutionary Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders is indeed a “dumb dupe” about economics. Or as the Soviet Communists used to put it, “a useful idiot.”
Establishmentarians for Authoritariansim
Sam Donaldson Seeks Bloomberg vs. Trump
How To Disguise a Budget Increase as a Cut
The bottom line is that there is nothing historic about this budget, or these cuts.
President Donald Trump: Good, Bad, Ugly
I hope we get more of the good from Trump and less of the bad and ugly.
Black Identity
Multiculturalism today celebrates all cultures but it is the poor who ultimately pay the price of that celebration in stunted development, missed opportunities and blighted lives.
Capitalism vs Socialism: The “Mixed” Economy Has Mixed Everything Up in People’s Minds
How much of a private business’s profits have been made and earned through making that “better mousetrap” and how much is due to corruption and influence in the political arena. It all seems mixed together in the “mixed” economy.
The Worst Enemy of Black People According to Malcolm X
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have.” — Malcom X
President Trump’s Impeachment Trial is a Political and Not a Legal Process
“Impeachment is whatever Congress says it is. There is no law.”
Milking Taxpayers for “Free Stuff” Contest, Round 2
Whoever wins… taxpayers lose.
Diversity and Inclusion Insanity
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
Ilhan Omar and Steve King: A Tale of Two Flamethrowers
For a party that considers Republicans racist/bigoted/sexist, how do Democrats somehow, someway manage to tolerate, if not embrace, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn?
Community Reinvestment Act: ‘Reparations’ Gone Bad
The dangers of discriminating for minority home owners.
Congressional Grandstanding
The more I watch politicians, the more I hate them.
The New Racism
The new racism, born in academia, is just as ugly as the old racism.
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