
There Are Not 13,099 Illegal Immigrant Murderers Roaming Free on American Streets

Commentators focused on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) letter claim that ICE did not detain 13,099 migrants convicted of homicide, tended to misunderstand the data.

Obama's Kind of Immigrants

Obama's Kind of Immigrants reports: Illegal immigration costs Arizona $1.6 billion a year – a staggering 19 percent of the state’s budget – Gov. Jan Brewer said in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, adding that the Obama administration is turning a blind eye...

Illegal Immigration: America's Cross to Bear

Illegal Immigration: America's Cross to Bear

When it comes to illegal immigration, I disagree with the “round ‘em up, ship ‘em out” folks and am against the new Arizona law for two broad reasons: For one, the so-called “threat” of illegal immigration is illusory when one looks...

Immigration: Why the Debate is Tragically Flawed

Immigration: Why the Debate is Tragically Flawed

In a free country, it's self-evident that there's room for everyone. This is because free people are also, by definition,self-responsible. The only people who need to be kept out of a free country are violent criminals and others who are objective, physical threats....

Immigration and Individual Rights

Immigration and Individual Rights

Every year, millions of people seek to immigrate to the United States, and with good reason: Opportunities to improve their lives abound here. Immigrants and would-be immigrants want to pursue the American dream. Whether or not they would put it in these terms, they...

Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration

President Bush and his pro-amnesty allies both in and out of Congress suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of the American people. Like any other public controversy, there are vested interests served on both sides of the amnesty issue, but I'd like to raise some...

The Solution to Ilegal Immigration

The Solution to Ilegal Immigration

I didn't hear the President's immigration speech, but I must comment on one paragraph I've read:   "We're a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws. We're also a nation of immigrants, and we must uphold that tradition, which has strengthened our country in...

Immigration: Pave Your Own Way

Immigration: Pave Your Own Way

There are so many platitudes about immigration--some cloaked in sincerity, and others completely meaningless. The truth really isn't that complicated. The answer is not open immigration, or a closed society. The answer is a free society. A free society is one in which...

The Wall Street Journal’s Immigration Foul

The Wall Street Journal’s Immigration Foul

The Wall Street Journal editorial page is a reliable beacon of truth and common sense. Except when it comes to immigration. The open borders zealotry of the newspaper's editorial writers has led to positively Clintonian rationalizations for undermining the rule of law...

A Lesson for GOP Panderers on Illegal Immigration

A Lesson for GOP Panderers on Illegal Immigration

The Republican Party needs to hire Andrew Smith to help shape its message on immigration. At 18, this senior at Novato High School in Marin County, Calif., has more common sense and cojones than the hapless panderers in the GOP who have thrown their principles to the...

Hasta La Vista, Anthony Burns

Hasta La Vista, Anthony Burns

Anthony Burns lives again today in Florida, in the person of Elián Gonzalez, the six-year-old whose mother fled with him from Cuba last November in an attempt (during which she tragically died) to gain liberty.

Immigration, Moochers, and the Welfare State

Immigration, Moochers, and the Welfare State

Q. How is an "open-borders" immigration policy compatible with the principle of self-interest? While we have a welfare state, isn't it irrational to encourage immigration? Shouldn't the openness of our borders be tied to phasing out the redistribution of our wealth?...

A Sin to Deport Elian Gonzalez

A Sin to Deport Elian Gonzalez

It would be a sin to deport Elián Gonzalez. To send a child to rot in the prison of Cuba for the alleged sake of his own well-being is criminal hypocrisy. To send him there in order to preserve his father's rights is absurdity, since there are no parental or other...

Opposition to Immigration is Un-American

Opposition to Immigration is Un-American

Next month Congress will try to resolve a dispute with the White House over federal quotas for "H-1B" visas -- a type of work permits for immigrants filling high-tech jobs. Pending legislation would expand the quotas by 10,000 to 20,000 annually for the next five...

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