Price Controls

The “Joy” of Rationing and Price Controls: Kamala Harris vs. The Price Gougers

There is a lack of public comment and debate about Kamala Harris’s call for price controls on groceries and rents, the most stunning and frightening policy proposal made in my lifetime. 

Wage and Price Controls Are Not the Answer to Inflation

Wage and Price Controls Are Not the Answer to Inflation

Reinforcing what economic theory tells us, evidence of the harm of price controls abounds in history, from the infamous 303 A.D. Edict of Emperor Diocletian in Ancient Rome to America’s 1970s gasoline price controls and, perhaps most infamously, New York City’s disastrous eight-decade-long experiment with rent control.

Price Controls Attack the Freedom of Speech

Price Controls Attack the Freedom of Speech

We increasingly live in a new “dark age” of economic ignorance, and even stupidity. Few things exemplify this trend as much as the call for price controls over the interactions of multitudes of people in the marketplace of supply and demand. There are few government...

Wages War

Wages War

Many high employment “countries such as Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland” have no minimum wage laws.

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