
Why Do Business Leaders Appease Their Enemies?

The fundamental reason for appeasing the critics of business is that company executives lack the moral argument for defense. As Ayn Rand argues in ‘The Sanction of The Victims,’ most business leaders have accepted the moral code of altruism.

Should Business Be Selfish?

Should Business Be Selfish?

Selfishness guides business to trade value for value with all parties – wages for employees’ productivity, products and services for customers’ payment, payment for suppliers’ products, and so on – by mutual consent, for mutual benefit, with no deception or fraud. This is the only way business can maximize long-term profits – and the reason it should be selfish.

Dollar Stores are a Beautiful Thing

Dollar Stores are a Beautiful Thing

Carlson is entitled to his view of dollar stores as being ugly, but for individuals and families who appreciate the offerings, services, and availability of a discount retailer in their neighborhood, it is surely a beautiful thing.

The Multifront Attack on Business Hero Elon Musk

The Multifront Attack on Business Hero Elon Musk

The attacks on Elon Musk seem like something straight out of an Ayn Rand novel. The successful and innovative entrepreneur is attacked on all sides by institutions and people who live off the system rather than innovate around and beyond it. 

State Investing, Not ESG, Is the Political Problem

State Investing, Not ESG, Is the Political Problem

The problem isn’t so much that a company takes ideological considerations into account in its business practices so much as that governments — such as state-run pension funds — are imposing ideological agendas on businesses via this financial control.

Elon Musk, Person of the Year, Radicalized by Lockdowns

Elon Musk, Person of the Year, Radicalized by Lockdowns

Elon Musk has turned into a true American, a resistor, a revolutionary. His influence in business and philosophical outlook offers a real path forward. He deserves every congratulations for refusing to go along with ruling-class ideology and instead demand that most essential thing, the freedom to trade, speak, run a business, and innovate without government interference. 

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