
Christmas Should Be More Commercial

It is time to take the Christ out of Christmas, and turn the holiday into a guiltlessly egoistic, pro-reason, this-worldly, commercial celebration.

Freedom of Religion?

Freedom of Religion?

There is no “freedom of religion” to do what it pleases. The only type of freedom relevant to religion is the right to practice religion privately, without imposing force on other people.

Greek Honor: A Monumental Achievement

Greek Honor: A Monumental Achievement

I’ve been reading some of the Greek historians, and am struck by how different the general attitude of the Greeks was compared to that of the modern world’s. What stands out most is the pride they show in living morally. I suppose the contrast is so stark because,...

The Dangers of “Having Faith”

The Dangers of “Having Faith”

Does it make sense to "have faith" as a way of coping with life? Literally speaking, to "have faith" means to suspend reason. Reason includes looking at facts, logic and using simple common sense. Reason is our means of coping and, ultimately, survival. Reason is...

The Terrorists’ Motivation: From the Camel’s Mouth

The Terrorists’ Motivation: From the Camel’s Mouth

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, President Bush declared: "These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith." But the Muslim murderer of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh knows better than our president, and recently...

Books: Understanding Jihad

Books: Understanding Jihad

Cook’s achievement lies in tracing the evolution of jihad from Muhammad to Osama, following how the concept has changed through fourteen centuries.

The Faith-Based Attack on Rational Government

The Faith-Based Attack on Rational Government

America was established for a secular purpose: the protection of individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Constitution neither mentions God (except to forbid religious tests for public office) nor imbues government with any religious purposes.

Defending the Separation of Church and State: A Call to Liberals

Defending the Separation of Church and State: A Call to Liberals

If the liberals truly wish to maintain the separation of Church and State (and its corollary – intellectual freedom), then they must reverse their antagonism to individual rights, and join us, the capitalists, in championing for a return to the original American form of government, i.e. to a constitutional republic enacted to protect the full and consistent individual rights of all.

The Islamic States of America?

The Islamic States of America?

The hardest thing for Westerners to understand is not that a war with militant Islam is underway but that the nature of the enemy’s ultimate goal. That goal is to apply the Islamic law (the Shari‘a) globally. In U.S. terms, it intends to replace the Constitution with the Qur’an.

House of God, House of War

Picture this scenario: a group of heavily armed Roman Catholics, led by a priest, swarms into St. Joseph's Cathedral in New York. They claim it as a military base. They fire grenades from its windows. They set explosive charges, in order to blow it up and blame the...

The Easter Masquerade

The Easter Masquerade

Religion’s alleged harmony with science is a fraudulent masquerade, extending only insofar as religious dogmas are not called into question

The Pledge of Allegiance Revisited: America’s Allegiance Belongs to Individual Rights Not Religion

The Pledge of Allegiance Revisited: America’s Allegiance Belongs to Individual Rights Not Religion

The Pledge of Allegiance’s assertion that America exists Under God is wrong and allowing government schools to promote such notions constitutes the unequivocal establishment of religion. The Founding Fathers fought for the right to not believe in God, the right to not participate in religion, the right to reject faith. In this sense, the phrase ‘under God’ is un-American and it ought to be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Judeo-Christian Philosophy and the Founding of America

A curious notion is mushrooming lately on programs such as "The O'Reilly Factor" and other current events shows. Certain commentators claim that the United States of America owes its existence to what is termed "Judeo-Christian" philosophy. Now I will not dispute that...

Love Thy Enemy

Love Thy Enemy

I quote from a bumpersticker I recently saw on a car covered (or I should say, littered) with anti-Iraq-war/pro-Howard Dean stickers: "When Jesus said love your enemies, he probably meant: don't kill them." This is undoubtedly true. Loving your enemies is a core...

Goodness Through a Mystical Lens

Goodness Through a Mystical Lens

Q: I have been in an ongoing discussion with a friend regarding belief in a higher, supernatural being. After many conversations, it finally became clear his true reasoning for believing: he believes that humans are essentially base, murderous, thieving, pillaging...

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