It's a shame so many taxpayers get upset paying for their beloved government services. Why continue to let April 15th be a day of nausea and nose bleeds? We need a little attitude adjustment. Let's take a hint from Congress and their passage of the Patriot Act --...
George F Smith
Who Are We? We’ve Abandoned our Heritage of Individual Rights for Religion
One of the conditions associated with neurosis is a weakened sense of personal identity. Nations, too, sometimes suffer from not knowing the values they live for and defend. Our rallying cry is "freedom," but what exactly does that mean? If we turn back to the...
Birth of Big Brother: How the Court deep-sixed the Tenth
Don't make the fatal mistake of believing government can't do anything right. No organization could expand to the point of commanding a budget in excess of two trillion dollars and be completely inept -- not even the bumbling bureaucracy in Washington. Although the...
Snub the Tyrants and Grow Your Own
Allow me to suggest a New Year's resolution you'll thank me for: Grow your own tomatoes. As you'll see, becoming a grower can be rewarding far beyond the sweet taste of your crop. The traditional extra benefits keep bringing many of us back season after season. If...
Modern Moralists Condemn Terrorism But Don’t Ask Them Why
Do you support our government's actions for the attacks of 9-11? Can you explain why or why not, with reasonable precision? In particular, can a follower of Jesus provide a consistent argument for supporting military strikes against the terrorists? Certainly not by...
Pat Buchanan’s Quest for a Religious Dictatorship
"But when I am the stronger, I shall persecute you; for it is my duty to persecute error." -- Lord Macaulay A scoop from Pat Buchanan: America has an established religion. No, it's not Christianity, to his excruciating frustration -- it's atheism. And not just atheism...
Speaking Safely on Political Issues: A Guide for the “Modern” Politician
I offer the following guide for those Americans who may be asked to speak on political issues but are confused about what to say. Since issues can be annoyingly fickle -- hot one day, dead the next -- I've tried to keep the commentary confined to the principles that...
Allah Attacks Aristotle: The Philosophical Roots of 9-11
How do you get young Middle Eastern men to fly a jet full of Americans into the side of a skyscraper?
Parasite and Host Produce a Second-time Mom
Free-market economists frequently speak of what is seen and not seen when assessing the drivel of government interventionists. While short-term results may benefit some group, in the long run economic meddling invariably hurts everyone, the free-marketers tell us....
Support the Liberty Bill Act And Put the Constitution on our Dollars
Congressional office-holders take an oath that says: "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . ." Wouldn't it be nice if the Constitution had an amendment requiring...
The Military Draft and Draft Registration Versus Freedom
No organization has done more for the federal government than al Qaeda. What other group could free it of so much restraint? Our elected officials swear to support and defend the U. S. Constitution as part of their oath of office. We, the people, through the...
Washington D.C., Our No-Spine Zone
Suppose one day you meet with a security specialist to safeguard your business. They're called "For Everyone's Defense" -- FED. Fed tells you what bad things could happen and how they'll protect you from them. You say okay and sign up. Your contract provides you with...
Arianna Huffington is Wrong Again! Profit is a Virtue
It's tempting to accuse someone like columnist Arianna Huffington of profiting from capitalism, given the tirades she's launched at certain industries. Since she's attacking profit (alternately spelled "heinous"), I would expect she's raking in a sizable readership....
Keep the The Star-Spangled Banner as the National Anthem
Heard the one about the Georgetown lawyer held captive by a British naval commander while his fleet bombarded an American fort? Being an attorney he liked words, and after witnessing a barrage lasting longer than a day, he felt inspired to write a poem on the back of...
Reverse Psychology 101: Pacifists, Take Up the Flag!
Dear Pacifists, I address you in the plural as protocol requires, since all humane action is collective. Listen carefully: you are being seriously deluded. The one who bids for your hero-worship is in fact your worst enemy. You say you love everyone, that the world...
The “Alleged” Attack on the World Trade Center
Since Reuters forbids their journalists to use "terrorist" in their reports (couldn't we construe the attackers as simply irate airline customers?) and CBS, citing allegiance to "neutrality", is mandating the T word hold hands with "alleged" or some other like...
Mandatory National ID Cards….for our politicians
Crisis is good for statist-leaning governments such as ours because it affords them the opportunity to package new oppressions under the guise of needed security. Lately, we've been treated to the idea of a national ID card so our police can tell good guys from bad...
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