by Elan Journo and Brian P. Simpson | Feb 17, 2004 | POLITICS
The California grocery strike has entered its fourth month–and there is no end in sight. Workers are still picketing stores, the shelves are under-stocked, and profits are dwindling. Talks between the grocery chains and the United Food and Commercial... by Thomas Sowell | Feb 17, 2004 | POLITICS
This is truly the age of dogma when it comes to differences between groups. Some will blindly deny that intergroup differences in performances are anything other than “stereotypes,” “perceptions,” or discrimination. At the other end of the... by Alex Epstein | Feb 17, 2004 | Genetics, POLITICS
In a huge breakthrough for medical progress, scientists from South Korea have finally created a cloned human embryo and extracted its stem cells–a feat that makes life-saving embryonic stem-cell treatments that much closer to reality. Instead of taking this... by Daniel Pipes | Feb 17, 2004 | POLITICS
“Anyone concerned with what’s happening in our world ought to spend some time reading the Koran.” Andy Rooney, the famed CBS commentator, gave this advice shortly after 9/11, as did plenty of others. His suggestion makes intuitive sense, given that... by Daniel Pipes | Feb 16, 2004 | Intellectual Property, POLITICS
Some people believe in the lost continent of Atlantis and in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Others worry about an 18th-century secret society called the Bavarian Illuminati or a mythical Zionist-Occupied Government secretly running the United States. What if... by James Glassman | Feb 15, 2004 | POLITICS
As Martha Stewart’s trial moves into a third week, an important question remains unasked: Why are the feds prosecuting someone for receiving inside information, anyway? Isn’t the criminal the corporate official who acts on knowledge that the public... by Alan Caruba | Feb 15, 2004 | POLITICS
The time has long since passed when the United States should be referring to Saudi Arabia as an ally. It is our enemy and an unprecedented demand for the bank account records of the Washington, DC Saudi Embassy in November 2003 demonstrates that the National Security... by Alexander Marriott | Feb 14, 2004 | Constitution, LAW
“The family enjoys the protection of the state. Marriage is based on the free consent of the woman and the man; the spouses are completely equal in their family relations.” This sounds much like an initial draft of a constitutional amendment for the United... by Don Luskin | Feb 13, 2004 | POLITICS
Antitrust laws are supposed to protect us little guys, right? Think again. Here’s the story of how PeopleSoft chief executive Craig Conway is using the antitrust laws to deprive his own shareholders of the opportunity to sell their shares at the best price....