Alan Caruba

Scientist Exposes IPPC as “Fundamentally Corrupt”

An energy-rationing bill has been introduced to address "global warming." The "Climate Security Act" would impose caps on how much carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions can be allowed and would institute an elaborate program to "trade" allowances among the industries and...

Global Warming Scares Heat Up

To understand the whole global warming debate you have to understand that it is not about any dramatic warming of the Earth. The Earth has been warming since the end of the last Ice Age with time out for some mini-Ice Age episodes. As Richard S. Lindzen, the Alfred P....

High Gas Prices Courtesy of Environmental Rhetoric

As the price of gasoline and the myriad products that utilize petroleum in their manufacture rises, Americans are going to ask why the Congress has resisted accessing the billions of barrels' worth of oil and natural gas in our offshore continental shelf. As the...

G-8 Failure on a Global Scale

I'm fairly sure that the world leaders at the G-8 meeting in the UK were more disappointed being overshadowed by the Islamist terror attack in London than by the fact that their priorities and solutions were so misdirected and wrong the conference can best serve as an...

Catastrophic Global Warming is More Scare than Science

On June 13, USA Today declared that "The debate's over: Globe is Warming." That's another headline you can ignore. The world has been warming ever since the last Ice Age, but it is not rapidly warming in ways that threaten our existence, nor warming in a way that...

The Republican Revolution is Dead

Back in 1994 when the famed Republican "Contract with America" captured control of Congress for the party, Newt Gingrich, one of its authors, noted that, "Washington is like a sponge. It absorbs waves of change, and it slows them down, and it softens them, and then...

New Jersey’s Nutty CO2 Notions

While the entire northeast of the United States was digging out from a huge blizzard--usually a sign of cold weather--a meeting on "the climate challenge" was occurring in London, England and "an independent report" by the Institute for Public Policy Research (Great...

Thwarting America’s Energy Needs

Editor's Note: This editorial was originally attributed to Tom DeWeese. The actual author is Alan Caruba.Well of course you want the entire shoreline of the East and West Coast to be filled with windmills producing insignificant amounts of energy. Nothing better than...

The Green Fever Subsides

We all know that polls are just snapshots of a moment in time, taking the pulse of public opinion on some subject. A recent one by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, however, produced some encouraging news. Of 1,000 people polled, just over half said...

“Endangered Species” Cost USA Billions

At a time when this nation is engaged in a war, putting the lives of its soldiers in harm's way to end the threat of Middle Eastern terrorism, it would seem inconceivable that it would also be wasting billions to protect some species of salmon or the shortnose...

The Day After Tomorrow: The Ice Age Cometh?

Coming to a theatre near you on Memorial Day is "The Day After Tomorrow", a movie based on the notion that global warming will lead to a new ice age in America. As science fiction goes, this is as fictional as one can get because there is absolutely no scientific...

Wasting Billions on the Green Agenda

After the usual media orgy of articles and opinions about "Earth Day", it's a good idea to ask how much environmentalism actually costs us. I will keep this to a question of dollars, but the real cost has been in millions of lives around a world where the benefits of...

Conservation or Confiscation?

In April, the New Jersey Builders Association finally managed to muster an attack on legislation whose purpose it is said is to "conserve" a wide swath of northern New Jersey called the Highlands. In Congress, there's also a Highlands Conservation Act (H.R. 1964 &...

Spain Decides to Run Away

The election in Spain that turned the government over to the Socialists sent a clear message to al Qaeda. Their bombing worked. Reportedly, much of the population did not want to join the US-led coalition to impose regime change on Iraq. Now they have decided to sit...

Is Saudi Arabia Our Enemy, Too?

The time has long since passed when the United States should be referring to Saudi Arabia as an ally. It is our enemy and an unprecedented demand for the bank account records of the Washington, DC Saudi Embassy in November 2003 demonstrates that the National Security...

The Case for Off-Shore Drilling

For a small State, New Jersey continues to send a large delegation of mental midgets to Washington, DC to represent it. In the last election, Sen. Robert Torricelli, the man famed for leaking the name of a CIA agent, was yanked off the ticket at the last minute as the...

Mahogany, Peru and Poverty: US Firm Fights NRDC’s Eco-Libels

According to the website of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Tahuamanu Rainforest of Peru is a tropical paradise that "until recently, has seen no human impacts beyond those of traditional, sustainable communities." That is, according to the NRDC,...

Who’s to Blame? Who Do You Think???

At a dinner for local writers who gathered at the home of the president of Seton Hall University, a noted Catholic institution of higher learning, the conversation turned to terrorism and once again I was treated to the "blame America" version of what is happening in...

Global Anti-Tobacco Treaty

When I served in the Army, the sergeant would say, "Smoke'm if you have'm." Most of us would, too. I am still a cigar smoker. The question is---how long before some storm trooper busts in the front door to tell me I can't smoke any more? Among the many freedoms the...

Declaring Our Independence. Again!

I have a friend who says America needs a new Declaration of Independence. Specifically, he says the United States needs to declare its independence from the United Nations. There is little the US gains from being tied to the dictates of the UN and much to lose as it...

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