by David Harsanyi | Sep 20, 2002 | POLITICS
Worldwide, leaders have announced that their support for the proposed American-led ouster of Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein hinges on President Bush making a compelling case for action. “That guy’s evil” doesn’t cut it with many of these heads of... by Wayne Dunn | Sep 20, 2002 | Education
Fundamental problems require fundamental solutions-which can only be derived by thinking in fundamental principles. And that’s precisely what’s absent from discussions on education.
by Edwin A Locke | Sep 19, 2002 | Business Ethics
Welch’s proper answer to his critics should have been this: “I earned the benefits through decades of hard and successful work. I am proud of what I earned, and I intend to keep it.”
by Carl D. Bradley | Sep 19, 2002 | Middle East & Israel, POLITICS
After September 11th, most Americans have sensed the need of defense against the Islamic nations that are waging a war of terror against the West. The Iraqi regime is one of our most prominent enemies, and must be dealt with before it’s too late. Our policy in... by Edwin A Locke | Sep 19, 2002 | POLITICS
On Sept. 14 the Wall Street Journal carried an article by Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, concerning the public furor over his post-retirement benefits package. In it he explained that he was offered the benefits in lieu of a large bonus that the company... by Daniel Pipes | Sep 18, 2002 | Middle East & Israel, POLITICS
Last week, two prominent Middle Easterners traveled to two North American campuses to deliver speeches mainly about the Arab-Israeli conflict. Both met protests. One succeeded in giving the speech; the other did not. Therein hangs a tale. On Monday, former Israeli... by Jeff Jacoby | Sep 18, 2002 | POLITICS
A year later, it is striking how quickly the moral clarity that followed the attacks was beset by moral confusion. Not everywhere, of course. This time around, The New York Times did not mark Sept. 11 with a celebration of terrorism — as opposed to Sept. 11,... by Robert W Tracinski | Sep 18, 2002 | POLITICS
The Bush family has a real talent for losing wars against Iraq, and they seem to be getting more efficient at it. The first President Bush waited until he achieved a crushing victory over Iraq’s armies before capitulating to Saddam Hussein. The second President... by Alex Epstein | Sep 17, 2002 | POLITICS
As a grateful customer of America’s productive businesses–as someone who knows that his well-being depends on yours–I implore you to stop apologizing to your attackers. Stop pledging to “reform,” to become “better corporate...