“But I don’t want to be moral!” That’s what a CEO spontaneously exclaimed when he was given my book, How to Be Profitable and Moral. Why did he say that, and did he really mean it?
Business Ethics
Why Business Must Embrace Individual Rights
A stronger argument to defend capitalism and business against government coercion is needed. It comes from morality.
Maui Needs Speculators
Proposals for a moratorium on land sales risk making the restoration a lengthier and more wasteful affair.
The Charge to Change Capitalism and Why the Profit Motive Must be Preserved
On the growing coalition countering capitalism for the “common good.”
The Myth That Everything Depends on Luck
Did you work to make or take advantage of your own luck?
The Assault on the Concept Merit
The proper, moral attitude toward great achievers, those who have merit, is admiration.
Twitter Board’s “Poison Pill” Against Elon Musk Shortchanges Twitter Shareholders
Poison pills are more likely a defense of bad management than a defense of stockholders rights. They undermine the market for corporate control and, as a result, the value of stockholders’ investments.
The Ethics of Doing Business in Authoritarian Countries Like Putin’s Russia
It is a mistake to do business in authoritarian countries in the first place due to the political risk it poses.
Claiming the Moral High Ground in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reporting
A company that turned its ESG report into an opportunity to proudly defend its industry and itself.
‘Are You on the Take?’
Because a politically connected businessmen wants more for himself, and politicians have the power to demand that developers kiss their rings, Edgewater’s dump is still a dump.
The False Ideal of Equity
The false standard of equity leads to bad outcomes for everyone. The standard should not be equity but justice.
The Meaning of Jack Welch’s Cave-In
Welch’s proper answer to his critics should have been this: “I earned the benefits through decades of hard and successful work. I am proud of what I earned, and I intend to keep it.”
Enron: Congressional Hysteria Will Not Make Every Businessman Honest
What is needed is a new moral philosophy and proper anti-fraud laws
Michael Milken: Guilty of Success and Victim of Non-Objective Reporting
Fischel demonstrated that the “crimes” Milken allegedly committed were mere bookkeeping infractions which violated no legitimate rights and harmed nobody.
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