by Thomas Sowell | Sep 2, 2002 | POLITICS
In the old-time comic strip “Li’l Abner,” one of the characters revealed that a new stranger in town had spent many years in reform school. Another character replied, “Well, he must be reformed by now.” Unfortunately, the same gullibility... by Walter Williams | Sep 2, 2002 | POLITICS
Benjamin Franklin warned, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” But that’s what the Bush administration and Congress have asked of Americans — to give up essential... by Dr Michael Hurd | Sep 1, 2002 | Psychology & Living
Q: Dr. Hurd, I sometimes fight feeling low by telling myself, “It could be worse.” Then I proceed to name examples of how it could be worse. Is this healthy — or am I putting neurotic guilt on myself? A: It all depends on the context in which you say... by Richard M Salsman | Sep 1, 2002 | POLITICS
Tax burdens imposed by the world’s welfare states — especially those imposed on the wealthiest, most successful entrepreneurs and shareholders — have increased with every passing year. No wonder “Atlas is Shrugging.” By accessing tax... by Michelle Malkin | Sep 1, 2002 | POLITICS
Whenever I head out for an early evening walk by the neighborhood lake with my husband and toddler, we follow the same routine. Put on our shoes. Take a trip to the Blue’s Clues potty. And finally: Spray. We don’t give a second thought to applying a small...