by Thomas Sowell | Jun 13, 2002 | POLITICS
It is not clear whether the newly proposed Department of Homeland Security will have jurisdiction over terrorists who have been captured. But somewhere those in high authority need to confront the great dangers inherent in trying members of international terrorist... by Daniel Pipes | Jun 12, 2002 | POLITICS
Imagine it’s June 1942 – just a few months after Adolf Hitler declared war on the United States. At Harvard University, a faculty committee has chosen a German-American to give one of three student orations at the festive commencement ceremony. He titles... by Richard M Salsman | Jun 12, 2002 | POLITICS
When North American stock markets raced upward from 1995 to 1999, their rise was ridiculed — by people like Yale’s Robert Shiller and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s Alan Greenspan — as a mere “irrational exuberance.” No facts, they... by Larry Elder | Jun 11, 2002 | POLITICS, Terrorism
“That has nothing to do with intelligence,” said former President Bill Clinton. “It basically says he’s a dangerous guy that might do a lot of things.” Clinton refers to a 1999 CIA report about the possibility of terrorist attacks against... by Robert W Tracinski | Jun 10, 2002 | POLITICS
The War on Terrorism is over. It ended when President Bush pushed to the top of his agenda the creation of a Cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security. This is the climax of a trend that has been building for the past month: the only action the U.S. government is... by Thomas Sowell | Jun 10, 2002 | Environment
The campaign to stampede the federal government into drastic action to counter “global warming” has never let honesty cramp its style. The most recent ploy has been the release of a study from the Environmental Protection Agency which concluded that human... by Michelle Malkin | Jun 9, 2002 | POLITICS, Terrorism
Unidentified bandits stole 10 tons of sodium cyanide briquettes last month during a roadside robbery in Mexico. The lethal chemical, combined with sulfuric acid, is used in gas chamber executions; a single whiff can kill in minutes. The hijacked truck was found May 16... by David Holcberg | Jun 8, 2002 | POLITICS
Next week in Toronto, the annual meeting of the Biotechnology Industry Organization will take place, amid protests by environmentalists who want to prohibit genetic engineering. This is a conflict between the creators of a technology that has saved countless lives and... by Thomas Sowell | Jun 7, 2002 | POLITICS
“What’s So Great About America” That is the provocative title of a new book by Dinesh D’Souza, a best-selling author who was born in India and who has now become an American citizen. Although many among the intelligentsia would have meant that...