To fully achieve flourishing, the Vietnamese need not only economic but political freedom.
South Australia Falls Victim to Green Hubris During Record Heat Wave
South Australia has eschewed modernity, progress, and human well-being, and has instead chosen to chain itself to the unpredictability of intermittent sources.
How To Defeat Islamic Totalitarianism
To deter jihadists and would-be recruits, it’s crucial to demonstrate that their totalitarian vision is unrealizable, that their cause is doomed.
The Legacy of Mao Zedong is Mass Murder
According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China.
War on Cash Spreads to India
The war on cash is a sign that central banks may see a dangerously deteriorating situation, one that has led to a feeling of desperation by governments and a wish to control the wealth of citizens.
A Post-Brexit World
The recent vote within the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union has implicitly once again raised the issue of the right of self-determination through secession. In other words, do individuals have a right to determine under which political authority they shall live and have representation?
Brexit: Good For Britain if It Leads To More Freedom
British companies can even outperform those outside of the EU—if the British government does not compromise on the principle of liberty. That is the big ‘if.’ But the Brexit has opened up a huge opportunity for a freer, more prosperous Britain.
The Future of the UK After Leaving The EU: Capitalism or Socialism?
Will the United Kingdom come out of this departure, in the long run, politically and economically stronger or weaker? That depends upon what the citizens of the United Kingdom do with their reestablished democratic self-determination.
Immigration and End of the American Melting Pot
America was once a “melting pot” of a diversity peoples that over several generations become something different from their ancestors’ national origins: they became Americans.
Europe Sacrifices Free Speech for Political Correctness
Geert Wilders is on trial not for his actions, but for his opinions.
Laissez-Faire Capitalism O Canada!
There are just two fundamental requirements of innovation—neither of which requires taxation: reason and freedom.
A Capitalist Solution to Finland’s Cradle To Grave Nanny State
The egalitarian ideal of minimizing inequality of income and wealth, the nanny state is unjust because it penalizes those who are productive and entrepreneurial to reward those who are not.
Acts of War in Europe: Brussels Takes Another Hit From Radical Islam
Islamic radicals are the ones who seek to take us back to another dark ages.
The Logic of Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
What actually makes for a more just society experiencing greater opportunity, improved conditions and rising standards of living for virtually all over the long run? In a nutshell, three words: freedom, competition and trade. These are Adam Smith’s “open sesame” to alleviate poverty, privilege, and inequity in society.
Balance of Trade: China Is Not “Killing Us” with Foreign Trade
American job losses are not the result of freer trade and an excess of imports over exports, but of government policies that prevent capital accumulation in the United States, among them policies that limit imports.
How Lithuania Helped Take Down The Soviet Union
The Lithuanians had been at the vanguard in the movement for freedom in the Soviet Union. They had elected a non-communist government in free elections, had declared their national independence from Soviet rule, and strongly affirmed their intention of reversing a half-century of socialist central planning through privatization and free market reforms.
Lessons from Europe on Intolerant Immigrants
Europe provides a valuable lesson for Americans — on what not to do.
Before Saying, “I Support France,” Please Read This
Unless or until you start to rethink your stance, you have no business expressing compassion towards the victims of people in attacks whose perpetrators – knowingly or not – you aid and support via your positions.
Canada’s Liberal Government is Regressive on Freedom and Prosperity
The incoming Liberal government’s statist ideology, reflected in its plans, has implications for our flourishing.
Escaping The Socialist Communist Tyranny of North Korea
The George Orwell allegory about how noble-sounding revolutions can turn into tyranny resonated with Yeonmi.
The Pope and Castro: Brothers in Social Ethics
The central principle unifying both Catholicism/Christianity and Communism is the same: Your life does not belong to you. It belongs to forces other than — “greater than” — yourselves.
The “Great Satan” Bows To Theocracy: On The Nuclear “Deal” with Iran
Iran’s domestic repression and its imperialist march and its nuclear aspiration are inseparable.
How Socialism Destroyed Puerto Rico, and How Capitalism Can Save It
As in Greece, the Puerto Rican economy has been destroyed by its participation in an unrealistic monetary system that it does not control and the failure of domestic politicians to confront their own insolvency.
A Historic Catastrophe: Obama vs Israel
Americans today who say that the only alternative to the Obama administration’s pretense of controlling Iran’s continued movement toward nuclear bombs is war ignore the fact that Israel bombed Saddam Hussein’s nuclear facilities, and Iraq did not declare war. To do so would have risked annihilation.
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