Ayn Rand’s story is fiction, of course. But what is happening in Norway is real. Wealthy entrepreneurs are abandoning the country because they are tired of being looted by parasitic politicians.
Intifada Was Globalized in Amsterdam
A clear line must be drawn between lawful, even if immoral, protests, and criminal violence. There is no continuum. It is a bright-line distinction that many in the media are deliberately trying to blur.
US and NATO at a Crossroads
The European portion of NATO is wealthy, populous, and already outspends Russia by significant and comfortable margins. It is hard to argue that the United States must continue to subsidize Europe’s security.
Arrest of Telegram Creator Pavel Durov and The Global Assault Against Freedom of Speech
Pavel Durov, who in 2014 fled Russia after the Kremlin “tightened its grip over the Internet” — only to find himself a prisoner in the West a decade later.
EU Poised To Confiscate Billions in U.S. Assets Using The Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA)
The potential DMA fines the EU can impose on the companies: up to 10 percent of their global revenue annually.
Estonia’s Lesson to Putin’s Statist Russia and the World
Estonia is an inconvenient neighbor for another reason. It’s an uncomfortable reminder to Russians of what could have been. Today, the typical Estonian earns nearly 40 percent more than the typical Russian.
Putin’s Deception and Ours
Blaming others, such as the U.S. (e.g., CIA, etc) is a standard rationalization for the failure of dictatorships such as Cuba and Venezuela and for the unlimited power it gives the rulers.
“Laissez-Faire” Sweden Had the Lowest Mortality in Europe From 2020–2022
Sweden had the lowest excess mortality in all of Europe, even the New York Times, which had mocked Sweden’s covid-19 pandemic strategy, conceded that the nation’s laissez-faire approach was hardly the disaster many had predicted.
Keep the EU Out of America’s Business
Pandering to the EU to go after U.S. companies makes no sense. It needlessly cedes national sovereignty with no tangible benefits for the United States.
Energy “Planning” in Germany Damages The Economy
Germany risks “deindustrialization” as high energy costs threaten to send new factories and high-paying jobs elsewhere.
Anti-Americanism and Anti-Capitalism in Europe and Beyond
Why do anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism go hand in hand?
Russia’s War in Ukraine
The war in Ukraine is about justice and the future of the West.
Billionaires Shrug in Norway
Norway’s Wealth Tax Is Backfiring. Are Americans Paying Attention?
Unilateral Free Trade: An Open Letter to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
Advocate and work for a removal of all protective barriers erected by the British government without concern for whether governments in the US and elsewhere follow suit. Were you to pursue a policy of unilateral free trade, you would honor – by following it – Britain’s glorious free-trade tradition.
Italy Goes against EU’s Fossil Fuel Car Ban
Italy’s Transport Minister Matteo Salvini called a rapid switch to electric vehicles “suicide” and a “gift” to Chinese industry.
Bad Energy Decisions Contributed to Europe’s Energy Crisis
Abruptly decreasing domestic production of fossil fuels and shuttering of coal and nuclear plants have put Europe is an energy crisis exasperated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its reduction of energy exports to Europe.
Nuclear Power, Not Wind & Solar, Keeps The Lights and Heat On In France
France’s aging nuclear power plants that are keeping the lights and heat on—not wind and solar power that are at the mercy of the weather.
EU “Digital Market Act” is Another Self-Inflicted Regulatory Wound
Europe’s Digital Market Act to regulate “American Big-Tech” ignores that without the efforts and ingenuity of Big Tech, there were no “gates” to keep.
Nationalism Is Rising in Poland, and It’s Undermining the Market Reforms That Followed the Fall of Communism
Poland owes its economic success to capitalist reforms—but the current government has stopped privatizations and is pursuing a policy of redistribution.
Spain – Like Most European Union Countries – Is Choked by Labor Market Regulations
Freeing up the labor market by making it easier for employers to hire and fire workers would reduce the gap between temporary and permanent work.
Germany’s Energy Dependence on Russia Is Greater than Just Natural Gas
Bad energy decisions in Germany are yielding bad results for Germans. Americans should be aware that recent government actions here on energy are pointing results in the same direction.
Time for US To Get Tough With Europe: No More Military Welfare for Indolent Defense Dependents
European leaders continue to talk tough about supporting Ukraine against Russia, but European peoples are less enthused.
Europe’s Energy Crisis Should Not Be Emulated in the United States
Europe’s move toward decarbonization 30 years ago has resulted in skyrocketing energy prices, the need for severe conservation, possible rationing that could shut down entire industrial sectors and likely future blackouts.
Europe’s Energy Worries Grow
Europe’s energy shortages – exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – were originally caused by low wind resources, increased demand from COVID lockdowns, and cut backs of natural gas by Russia. Despite putting Europeans in energy poverty, the EU and UK are keeping to their energy transition rushing into wind and solar power, rather than using domestically produced oil, natural gas, and coal.
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