Every time a Palestinian or Israeli civilian is killed, Hamas wins. That’s why they use children and women as human shields. That’s why they boast that their civilians love death in the way Israelis love life. That is why Islamic jihad fires rockets from areas near hospitals.
On 9/11 Remembering the Truly Forgotten, Twenty Years Later
America’s attackers understood more about the roots of American prosperity and the wellspring of human prosperity than most Americans do.
President Donald Trump Should Pardon Edward Snowden
Snowden did a good thing. He deserves a pardon.
The Lesson of 25 Years of Israeli-Palestinian “Peacemaking” In The Middle East
We need to take seriously the lesson of the last 25 years. It is because the peace process negated the principle of moral judgment, that it enabled the Palestinian movement to subjugate, indoctrinate, and impoverish its people while continuing to attack Israel.
The Lesson of the Afghanistan War: 17 Years Later
The United States could have defeated the Islamist forces in Afghanistan, but we did not believe we had a moral right to.
America’s White-Washing of Saudi Arabia Betrays Capitalist Values and Enables a Statist Regime
For years, the U.S. has embraced Saudi Arabia as an ally, but at the deepest level, Saudi Arabia is hostile to our ideal of individual rights.
How To Defeat Islamic Totalitarianism
To deter jihadists and would-be recruits, it’s crucial to demonstrate that their totalitarian vision is unrealizable, that their cause is doomed.
Occidental College Responds to 9/11 Attack on Free Speech
On the 15th anniversary of the worst domestic terrorist attack in history—September 11—a college student’s memorial flag display was destroyed three times.
Acts of War in Europe: Brussels Takes Another Hit From Radical Islam
Islamic radicals are the ones who seek to take us back to another dark ages.
Shame on Donald Trump…For Offending Terrorists?
In what universe is it even a tiny bit excusable for anyone to commit the atrocities of Islamic terrorists merely because they feel offended?
Criticizing Islam and Free Speech
Lynch, who is the Attorney General of the United States, is advancing the idea that not merely actions, but thoughts, ideas and feelings can and must be against the law, and are worthy of prosecution.
Terrorism is a a Real Threat; So Is Unlimited Government
Terrorists are a real threat. So is government with a blank check.
“Inciting Violence” with Words
When you take a particular position on abortion, Planned Parenthood, taxes, socialized medicine, or anything at all – from any direction – you are not “poisoning” or “inciting” anyone. You’re simply stating your position. The emotional response and behavioral follow-up (if any) of others is their own responsibility.
San Bernardino Terrorist Attack: Another Inconvenient Fact for the P.C. Narrative
Does anyone actually believe that gun control laws will put an end to Islamic-inspired violence?
The Ideas Behind The Islamist (Jihadist) Movement
Understanding the Jihadists.
How To Prevent The Next Paris Tragedy
“Thoughts and prayers won’t stop the next attack. This war against civilization must be fought or lost.”
Before Saying, “I Support France,” Please Read This
Unless or until you start to rethink your stance, you have no business expressing compassion towards the victims of people in attacks whose perpetrators – knowingly or not – you aid and support via your positions.
A New Yorker Remembers the World Trade Center
As I quickly walked away, I did not want to look back at its towers, battered and bearing the scars of its evil attackers. I do not want to remember the WTC burning or falling, for that was not its essence.
Hatred of Mohammad … Or Love of Liberty?
Freedom of speech; separation of church and state. These are principles to cherish, not to denigrate. The true “haters” out there are the ones who shout the label of “hater” at anyone who dares to take a moment to stand up for them.
Obama’s Crusade To Give Militant Islam A Free Pass
“The medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr. President. Please deal with the radical Islamic threat today.”
Abolish the TSA
The TSA is a failure.
What Creates a Terrorist?
Faith over reason; group membership over individual identity; and blind obedience to authority. No matter what form these qualities take—and no matter what the specifics—they are always destructive. Those are the real root causes of terrorism, in Boston and elsewhere.
The Metaphysical Temper Tantrum of Islamic Terrorism
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., says it is time for the U.S. to stop being politically correct and focus its search on radical Islamists in Muslim communities. King tells Politico.com that while most Muslims are not terrorists, the international base for terrorism against...
Hillary Clinton’s Hissy Fit
From forcing Americans into the enslavement of the medical profession, which is being accomplished by the man who defeated her and conferred her current diplomatic status, to leading what may be the worst foreign policy in American history, with major progression toward nuclear weapons by our arch-enemies, Hillary Clinton, despite her facade of competence, is a failure and a fraud in every respect.
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