Portraying CEOs as Cartoon Villains

It is not the corporate CEOs who deserve to be blamed: statist governments are the real villains.

Demonizing White Men

Demonizing White Men

A partial list of statements that would be viewed and condemned as racist simply by replacing “white men” with “black men,” “Mexican men” or “Asian men.”

Fact-Free Politics

Fact-Free Politics

On attacking mythical “climate change denier” and “trickle-down theorist” straw men to hide the real issues.

Black Fathers Matter

Which poses a bigger threat to black communities: Racism? Or the absence of fathers? Drawing on a sea of official data and his own upbringing, talk-show host Larry Elder shows just how important black fathers are in turning boys into responsible and happy men--and how...

Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality

Thomas Sowell discusses economic inequality, racial inequality, and the myths that have continued to falsely describe the system of poverty among different racial and economic classes. Sowell explains the economic theories behind these...

FDA Policies Kill

FDA Policies Kill

Patients suffer and die when the FDA disapproves of or delays the approval of a drug that is both safe and effective.

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