
An Open Letter to President Trump

Congratulations to you. In no particular order, here are some public policy recommendations.

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Special interest groups and big donors make campaign contributions because they believe that the candidate will support legislation favorable to them and their agenda.

An Electoral College Within Each State

An Electoral College Within Each State

Instead of the United States abandoning the Electoral College, state legislatures should take us in exactly the opposite direction. From now on, they should abandon a statewide popular vote for president, and instead either appoint electors directly or implement an Electoral College-type system within each state.

President Biden’s Rule By Executive Decree

President Biden’s Rule By Executive Decree

President Biden and those around him are attempting to implement through executive order and other means are policies and political positions that many in the society do not share or to which they do not assign the same degree of urgency.

Elections and Legitimacy

Elections and Legitimacy

Elections failed to prevent every recent American commander-in-chief from expanding and exploiting the dictatorial potential of the presidency. 

Why Vote Anti-Democrat This Election

Why Vote Anti-Democrat This Election

The battle of 2020 is between the alternative of Republican populist-nationalism vs. Democratic racist-nihilism. Nationalism, in its present form, is a mix of deregulatory sugar and populist poison, but nihilism is suicide.

Why To Vote Against Trump

Why To Vote Against Trump

Trump has taken over the Republican Party and stripped it of all vestiges of ideology. Trump is the most anti-ideological, anti-conceptual president in memory.

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