One of the most distinguished intellectuals of his generation, Thomas Sowell’s classical-liberal worldview continues to challenge, inspire, and empower research across the social sciences.
Psychology & Living
Why Do New Year’s Resolutions Typically Fail?
If you want your New Year’s resolutions to be completed, take the steps needed to really commit to it.
Happy New Year. Happy Life.
Your life is in your own hands.
Self-Sacrifice Is Evil, Self-Interest Is Good
Rational self-interest is good, including when used to help others whom you value, but true altruism (as opposed to helping valued others) works against human life and happiness.
Mutual Egoism: The Key To a Rational Relationship
Each partner personally values the other because they possess admirable qualities, such as integrity, and they share common values and interests.
Free Will Is No Illusion
Free will is, thus, an axiom of epistemology. It is self-evident to introspection and cannot be refuted without contradiction.
Are Intellectual Ability Tests Biased?
IQ should not be confused with actual learning or the acquisition of knowledge.
Social Media: Great for Everyone?
When considering whether social media are helping or hurting your life or that of a child, here are some questions to consider.
The False Premises Behind “Giving Back”
The implicit motive of the “payback concept” is to help you reduce your feelings of guilt for allegedly unearned personal achievement and pride. But why would you feel such guilt?
Fear and Loathing: The New Assaults on Merit
To be anti-merit is to be anti-happiness and anti-life. Such people truly belong in the wilderness. They should leave the life-lovers alone. – Edwin A. Locke
Walter Williams: Suffer No Fools
On the major social and political issues of our time, Walter Williams is one of America’s most important and provocative thinkers.
Covid Vaccination and the Revolt Against Reason
Why don’t some people get vaccinated? The fundamental cause is the refusal to think.
Remembering the World Trade Center 20 Years After 9/11
I remember that day so well, too well. It is almost like it was yesterday.
Why We Need Heroes
Flourishing human life requires heroes.
The Joy of Football: The Super Bowl Offers a Too-Rare Celebration of Goal-Achievement
The essential value of spectator sports lies in their capacity to illustrate, in a dramatic way, the process of human goal-achievement.
“Great Spirits” versus “Useful Idiots”
How was I to resolve the irreconcilable dilemma between my passionate love for scholarship and my gut-wrenching disappointment with those American intellectuals who condoned communist crimes?
Eulogy for Dad
Teaching was his passion. It was his gift. It was, second only to his family, his greatest love.
Walter E. Williams 1936-2020
Walter Williams (1936-2020) “was my best friend for half a century. There was no one I trusted more or whose integrity I respected more.” – Thomas Sowell
Fatherless Households: A National Crisis
If protesters are truly concerned about the condition of Black and Hispanic urban Americans in particular, why the pathetic silence over the fatherless households, the principal reason for the very conditions they complain about?
How To Be Profitable and Moral In 2020
Self-interest rests on what human flourishing requires: adhering to reality in one’s thinking and action by the means of observation and logic
Life Lessons From The Death of a Beloved Brother
Kirk, the Best Brother Ever, R.I.P.
If You Are Warm Right Now, Thank Capitalism
Last night the temperature fell 3 degrees an hour. As I write this, it is negative 10 degrees outside. A “once in a generation” polar vortex has swept into the American Midwest from the Arctic. I am lucky to be alive. It would take me just a couple of hours to die...
Lying: What Do You Gain?
Lying is motivated by the mistaken belief that one can actually gain a value by telling a lie, to deceive others (or oneself).
Self-Made Men (1875)
Fortune may crowd a man’s life with fortunate circumstances and happy opportunities, but they will, as we all know, avail him nothing unless he makes a wise and vigorous use of them.
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