
Benjamin Graham and How to Invest Like a Legend

A new edition of the Intelligent Investor integrates Graham’s classic insights with today’s market realities.

Alternatives to Public Libraries

Alternatives to Public Libraries

America’s past, is replete with examples of voluntary, cooperative associations which provided for the many needs of the citizenry. One of the most striking examples is the evolution of libraries in pre-Civil War America. Even today, alternatives to tax-sup-ported libraries exist.

The Nation’s Top Scientists Lied

The Nation’s Top Scientists Lied

“Scott Atlas stated the simple fact that immunity is higher than those with antibodies, whereupon Dr. Fauci criticizes him without contradicting what was actually said. Stating a simple scientific fact is not ‘extraordinarily inappropriate.’ What is going on?”

A Parent’s Guide to Kendi’s Antiracist Baby

A Parent’s Guide to Kendi’s Antiracist Baby

Ibram X. Kendi’s antiracism – like racism – is an ideology that manages to indoctrinate and segregate.  Far from healing history’s wounds, Ibram X. Kendi’s “antiracism” sows disharmony. Maybe we should go back to reading liberalism to our children. By liberalism, I mean a cluster of ideas that includes equal freedom, equal treatment under the law, and colorblindness.

Making the U.S. Constitution Fully Consistent with Individual Rights

Making the U.S. Constitution Fully Consistent with Individual Rights

“A Declaration and Constitution for a Free Society” modifies the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution to make them fully consistent with the protection of individual rights and freedom, using Objectivism—the philosophy of Ayn Rand. It demonstrates why a free society is morally, politically, and economically beneficial to human life.

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