Larry Elder

This editorial is made available through Creator's Syndicate.Best-selling author, radio and TV talk show host, Larry Elder has a take-no-prisoners style, using such old-fashioned things as evidence and logic. His books include: The 10 Things You Can’t Say in America, Showdown: Confronting Bias, Lies and the Special Interests That Divide America, and What’s Race Got to Do with It? Why it’s Time to Stop the Stupidest Argument in America,.

Trump Won His Other Campaign — to Expose Media Bias

As to Trump’s campaign to expose the media’s blatant, often vicious anti-Republican bias so that much of America will never again trust it, Trump won. Huge.

Senator Kerry’s Problem: The Likability Gap

Senator Kerry’s Problem: The Likability Gap

If Kerry goes down in the fall, trace the blame to . . . Butchy Cataldo. Kerry's critics point to his shifting stands on NAFTA, the war in Iraq, the No Child Left Behind Act and the Patriot Act. Kerry detractors expect the public to catch on when Kerry -- a fiscal...

Answers for the “Swing Voter”

Answers for the “Swing Voter”

A moderate friend -- aka "swing voter" -- recently sent me a letter, in which he raised his objections about President Bush. Moderate Friend: Bush has made no major move to address environmental issues at all. The No. 1 thing a president could do environmentally is...

The Strange Disappearance of the “L” Word

The Strange Disappearance of the “L” Word

When did Democrats stop calling themselves "liberal"? Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., when asked whether he considered himself a liberal, treated the questioner as if she belonged to the House Committee on Un-American Activities during the McCarthy years. Elizabeth Bumiller...

The State Should Get Out of the Marriage Business

The State Should Get Out of the Marriage Business

Consider government-sanctioned or court-mandated same-sex marriage -- somewhere, at some point -- a virtual certainty. For the Massachusetts State Supreme Court recently advised its legislature that anything short of same-sex marriage constitutes a violation of the...

The War on Terror: The Rest of the World Doesn’t Get It (Yet)

The War on Terror: The Rest of the World Doesn’t Get It (Yet)

The conversation began harmlessly enough. Sunday morning, after breakfast, I walked out of the cafe and passed a gentleman sitting at an outdoor table. The man intently scribbled on a legal pad, engrossed in his subject. On the table among a stack of papers sat a book...

Conversation with Nancy Reagan

Conversation with Nancy Reagan

Conversation at the Ronald Reagan Library, Simi Valley, Calif., Friday, Feb. 6, 2004: Larry Elder: Let me tell you what an honor this is. This is like meeting royalty. Nancy Reagan: Thank you very much. Thank you. Elder: Tell me what you consider your greatest...

When Did The Howard Dean Meltdown Really Begin?

When Did The Howard Dean Meltdown Really Begin?

Supporters of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, aka "Deanie-boppers," accuse the media of piling on by repeatedly playing his now infamous Iowa caucus "concession speech," punctuated by his banshee-like "Yeeeaaaaaarggh!" Dean's admittedly un-presidential behavior...

On WMDs: What Did the Democrats Say?

On WMDs: What Did the Democrats Say?

Did Saddam Hussein and his interest in weapons of mass destruction pose a threat to the United States? Just ask the Democrats. Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean (D), appearing on "Face the Nation" in September 2002, said, "There's no question that Saddam Hussein is...

Honesty During the Holiday Season

Honesty During the Holiday Season

While recently driving and listening to National Public Radio, I heard a piece on holiday homelessness. During this time of the year, one frequently hears stories about the downtrodden and homeless. No one seems to agree exactly on the number of homeless, and the...

Resolutions for a New Year

Resolutions for a New Year

Consider yourself blessed if you, like myself, grew up with parents who taught personal responsibility through leading by both word and deed. Yet lacking an in-home role model or role models — my father grew up as an out-of-wedlock only child — does not necessarily determine one’s fate or destiny. Sometimes one must become one’s own role model, a responsibility made easier by following this prescription, originally printed in my first book, “The Ten Things You Can’t Say in America.”

Christmas Encounter with a ‘Radical Socialist’

Christmas Encounter with a ‘Radical Socialist’

Moonie, my neighbor's cat, sits predictably outside my front door every morning at 7 a.m. Moonie expects breakfast, and if unhappy with that day's selection -- fish, chicken, beef -- Moonie sniffs indignantly and walks over to the front door and meows for his...

Saddam Husseim — Man in a Hole!

Saddam Husseim — Man in a Hole!

Talk about going down in a blaze of glory. Despite Saddam Hussein's stated intention to resist the U.S.-led coalition, the U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division found him in a 6-foot by 8-foot "spider hole" just large enough for a man to lie down, 10 miles south of Tikrit,...

Islam: A Religion of Peace, Part 2

Islam: A Religion of Peace, Part 2

Last week's column contained excerpts from my interview with Robert Spencer, author of "Onward Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens America and the West." He makes the case that violent Islam stems from a straight reading of Islamic religious texts, and that...

Islam: A Religion of Peace?

Islam: A Religion of Peace?

A "religion of peace," says President Bush about Islam. But investigative journalist Robert Spencer, in his new book "Onward Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens America and the West," argues that what we call "Islamic extremism" stems from a straightforward...

Reverend Al Sharpton — The Democrats’ Moral Compass?

Reverend Al Sharpton — The Democrats’ Moral Compass?

Democratic presidential candidate Reverend Al Sharpton, at the recent Democratic debate in Boston, took the front-runner, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, to task. Dean's sin? Dean, in an interview with the Des Moines (Iowa) Register on Saturday, Nov. 1, stated,...

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