Jaana Woiceshyn

Jaana Woiceshyn taught business ethics and competitive strategy for over 30 years at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Canada, where she is now an emerita professor.How to Be Profitable and Moral” is her first solo-authored book. Visit her website at profitableandmoral.com.

Why Do Business Leaders Appease Their Enemies?

The fundamental reason for appeasing the critics of business is that company executives lack the moral argument for defense. As Ayn Rand argues in ‘The Sanction of The Victims,’ most business leaders have accepted the moral code of altruism.

Thankyou Elon Musk!

Thankyou Elon Musk!

Elon Musk’s mistakes should be viewed in the context of his achievements. Musk has contributed to human flourishing not only by developing Tesla and SpaceX and co-founding Open AI. By taking over Twitter and shaking it up, he has exposed the government’s violations of free speech.

The Deadly Climate Obsession of Governments

The Deadly Climate Obsession of Governments

Governments everywhere have been undermining productive work, driven by a destructive climate change ideology that has developed into an obsession: stopping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, despite human suffering.

The Poetry of Work

The Poetry of Work

“Poetry of work” is worth pursuing. It gives us purpose—and it gives us happiness.

Authoritarianism Shrinks Freedom in Canada

Authoritarianism Shrinks Freedom in Canada

If we want to live our lives free, and not under expanding government authoritarianism that harms us, we must advocate freedom and condemn measures like the invoking of the Emergencies Act, and support, if we can, those that challenge them, such as the CCLA or the Canadian Constitution Foundation.

Why Canadians Embrace Lockdowns and Mandatory Vaccinations

Why Canadians Embrace Lockdowns and Mandatory Vaccinations

Two years into the pandemic, despite all that misery and the vaccines and treatments now available, polls suggest that over a half of Canadians are still in favor of economic lockdowns and two-thirds approve of mandatory vaccinations. Why?

Net-Zero Emission Targets?

Net-Zero Emission Targets?

There is an alternative strategy for businesses to deal with climate change: one that is based on facts and human wellbeing (as opposed to no human impact on the planet) as the standard.

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