Donald J. Boudreaux

Donald J. Boudreaux is a senior fellow with American Institute for Economic Research and with the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University; a Mercatus Center Board Member; and a professor of economics and former economics-department chair at George Mason University. He is the author of the books The Essential Hayek, Globalization, Hypocrites and Half-Wits. He writes a blog called Cafe Hayek and a regular column on economics for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Boudreaux earned a PhD in economics from Auburn University and a law degree from the University of Virginia.

Free Market Fundamentals and NatCon Inconsistencies

Endorsing individuals’ freedom to trade with foreigners is simply of a piece with the more general endorsement of individuals’ freedom to trade with whomever they please, whether fellow citizens or not. The protectionist position, in contrast, invariably relies upon arbitrary distinctions that ensnare protectionists in intellectual and ethical inconsistencies.

On Skepticism of Covid-19 Vaccines

On Skepticism of Covid-19 Vaccines

Vaccination against Covid is today insisted upon with the same fervor that religious zealots centuries ago exhibited when insisting upon the truths of their particular dogmas. If governments and public-health officials are looking for people to blame for vaccine hesitancy, they need only look in the mirror.

The Inevitable Failure of Socialism

The Inevitable Failure of Socialism

“As soon as one gives up the conception of a freely established monetary price for goods of a higher order, rational production becomes completely impossible.” – Ludwig Von Mises

What Is Comparative Advantage?

What Is Comparative Advantage?

Your building your own deck would be worthwhile only if your cost of doing so is less than the cost of having someone else, such as Jones, build it for you.

The Case Against Immigration Quotas

The Case Against Immigration Quotas

If quotas on immigration are an essential tool for protecting us Americans from being terrorized on our own soil, why do we still have no quotas on foreigners who come to America as visitors? Must someone be a resident of the U.S. in order to unleash terror in America?

Case for Unilateral Free Trade (with Exceptions)

Case for Unilateral Free Trade (with Exceptions)

The coherent and correct case for free trade is, again, a case for unilateral free trade, one that applies to each country individually (with exceptions for isolated circumstances such as national defense).

Protectionists in Plunderland

Protectionists in Plunderland

If we Americans are indeed made better off the greater are foreigners’ demands for our exports, how are we made worse off by foreigners’ economic success given that such success invariably increases their demands for our exports?

There Are No Natural Resources

There Are No Natural Resources

The human mind is the ultimate resource because it, and only it, creates all of the other economically valuable inputs that we call “resources.”

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