This Veterans Day, we must call for a stop to the sacrifice of our soldiers and condemn all those who demand it.
Alex Epstein
What to Resolve This New Year
This New Year’s, resolve to think about how to make your life better, not just once a year, but every day.
A 100% Private Option for Health Care: A Truly Progressive Idea
Everyone seems to have a different take on how to solve Americas health-care problem. But notice that every solution offered involves some elaborate new system of government controls. Different proposals include a public option, mandatory insurance for individuals,...
Net Neutrality vs. Internet Freedom
Google has no more right to demand that Verizon be “neutral” with its network than Verizon has a right to demand that Google be “neutral” with its coveted advertising space.
Punishing Google for Its Success
The Obama administration's Department of Justice recently announced that it will dramatically increase enforcement of antitrust laws against successful, dominant companies who allegedly harm competition by wielding too much "market power." What sorts of companies?...
Misrepresenting “How We Arrived at This Moment”: Obama Evades Government’s Role in the Financial Crisis
What must be done to recover from this financial crisis? Barack Obama rightly stresses that we first must understand how today's problems emerged. It is "only by understanding how we arrived at this moment that we'll be able to lift ourselves out of this predicament."...
Government Bailout Crack
Every few days we hear that another leading financial institution has written down billions more on subprime investments gone bad. Nearly every major financial institution, it turns out, had a hand in loans to low-credit borrowers--borrowers whose ability to pay often...
Retire Social Security: Social Security Is Morally Bankrupt
August 14 marks Social Security's 73rd birthday--placing it eight years past standard retirement age. But, despite the program's $10-trillion-plus dollar shortfall, no politician dares to suggest that this disastrous program be phased out and retired; all agree on one...
Take Responsibility for Your Decisions: An Open Letter to Borrowers and Lenders
Throughout the housing crisis, we have heard demands from spokesmen for desperate homeowners, banks, and investors for every variety of government bailout. But there is one group from whom the nation has not heard: the millions of Americans who, like me, had nothing...
Investigate Bad Congress, Not Big Oil: How The American Government’s Anti-Capitalist Policies Increase Gas Prices
With gasoline prices exceeding $4 a gallon in some states, politicians are responding as usual: Blame Big Oil First. Several prominent senators have once again summoned industry leaders to Capitol Hill, subjecting them to yet another barrage of rhetorical questions,...
Free Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! From Antitrust Fascism
Yahoo! has just released its first-quarter earnings numbers, and neither the market nor analysts are impressed. What will be the company's next move? Multiple suitors claim that they can leverage Yahoo!'s online products and talented employees better than Yahoo!'s...
Too Big To Bail
Every few days we hear that another leading financial institution has written down billions more on subprime investments gone bad. Nearly every major financial institution, it turns out, had a hand in loans to low-credit borrowers--borrowers whose ability to pay often...
Subprime Meltdown and Project Lifeline: Collaboration or Intimidation?
Since the subprime meltdown began, the Bush administration has pledged to act to prevent foreclosures--but without interfering in the market or bailing anyone out. How is this possible? The administration's answer: by "facilitating" what it calls "private" initiatives...
“Net Neutrality”: Destroyer of Internet Freedom
Advocates of "net neutrality" are apoplectic amid reports that ISP Comcast slowed down file-sharing programs on its network. The FCC is threatening action against Comcast, while advocates of a new net-neutrality law sponsored by Congressman Edward Markey are taking...
Don’t Save Social Security
With the first Baby Boomer collecting Social Security last week, on the heels of a Bush administration announcement that Social Security faces a $13.6 trillion shortfall, the issue of how to "save" Social Security is once again on the table. While we can expect fierce...
The Injustice of “Doing Something” about Subprime
As we witness large numbers of defaults on subprime loans--loans extended to those with no credit or bad credit--many are calling for the government to do something to stop the suffering. At the same time, many recognize that a bailout of struggling homeowners would...
“Open Access” and the Tyranny of the FCC
In January the FCC will auction off the prized 700 MHz spectrum of wireless bandwidth. But instead of offering the spectrum to the highest bidder to employ it however he judges best (for example, a mobile video-on-demand service), the FCC will force the winner to...
Why Businessmen Love Atlas Shrugged
If you ask any hundred successful businessmen chosen at random to name the book that has most inspired them, you will undoubtedly hear one title repeated over and over: Atlas Shrugged–Ayn Rand’s epic novel, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this month.
Who Really Supports Our Troops?
In the aftermath of General David Petraeus's controversial report to Congress on the progress of the troop surge in Iraq, debate over what to do with our troops in Iraq is as strong as ever. And, as always, both liberals and conservatives claim that they, and only...
The Un-American Call for National Service
The lead article in a recent issue of Time magazine makes the case for "universal national service"--which the article describes as "the simple but compelling idea that devoting a year or more to national service, whether military or civilian, should become a...
Celebrating Income Inequality
Democrat and Republican candidates for President are debating one another on nearly every issue--but nearly all are united on one thing: America faces a crisis of "income inequality." The rich are getting richer, the refrain goes, while the poor and middle class are...
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