The president pledges to “make America great again,” which is a crucial and noble sentiment. But protectionism only hurts rather than helps do that job.
Richard M Salsman
Socialism Worked in Venezuela
History demonstrates unequivocally that socialism works to destroy liberty and prosperity.
Kudos to an Anarchist Apostate, But He Can’t Shake His Skepticism of Capitalism
Why do anarchists today feel a deeper hatred for capitalism than for the state?
Jean-Baptiste Say, Ayn Rand, and Objective Economics, Part 2 of 2
When grounded on the right foundations Richard Salsman shows why economics is an objective science.
Jean-Baptiste Say, Ayn Rand, and Objective Economics, Part 1 of 2
When grounded on the right foundations Richard Salsman shows why economics is an objective science.
America’s New ‘Red Scare,’ Unlike the Old One, is Fake
The political left in America is conveniently a half-century late; in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s the Russian threat was real and the ‘Red Scare’ justified; the latest scare is fake, an excuse by the left to explain its electoral failure
Trump and The GOP Support The Socialist Principles Underlying Obamacare
ObamaCare is succeeding, because its goal is a single-pay state monopoly in medicine; the failure it’s causing in America’s health insurance market is simply a means to that end.
Scott Brown: A Mere Speed Bump on the Conservatives’ Road to Serfdom
Most polls in recent years reveal that Americans believe the country is “on the wrong track.” That’s surely true — and both political parties are taking them there. Yet few people know what the right track actually entails. It’s time to pave a new road entirely — not the road to serfdom, but a purely capitalist road, undergirded by a selfish-individualist ethic.
On The White House “Disinformation” Campaign
The “disinformation” I’ve found has actually come from the White House…
Altruism: The Moral Root of the Financial Crisis
The financial crisis is, fundamentally, a moral crisis. To end the crisis, we must acknowledge that government intervention caused it, and we must demand that the government begin removing its coercive hands from the economy. With an eye to the short term, we must demand that it scale back the powers of the GSEs, the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC; and with an eye to the long term, we must demand that the government abolish these agencies entirely and restore a gold standard run by private, currency-issuing banks subject solely to the objective commercial and bankruptcy codes.
Obama’s Plans Will ‘Work’ — To Breed Servile Dependence
The political left-wing in America and most Democrats are hopeful, even gleeful, that “Obamanomics” might “vanquish” Reaganomics,[1] that tax-hiking, pork-dispensing schemes aimed at boosting consumption and government (a la John Maynard Keynes)[2] will displace...
The GOP Betrayal of Capitalism, Alan Greenspan’s Lies and The Scapegoat Phase of the Bear Market
These GOP traitors to capitalism have aped the Social Democrat playbook.
Alan Greenspan’s Record as FED Chairman: Better Than Predecessors, Not As Good as Gold
Alan Greenspan was Federal Reserve chairman for 18½ years -- longer than the reigns of nearly half the kings and queens of England. A few years ago he was "knighted" by England's current monarch. For years he was deified by economists and Wall Street strategists. The...
Another Nail in the Coffin for Property Rights
The U.S. Supreme Court last week ruled that it's perfectly legitimate for a local government to seize private property, pay a below-market price and hand it over to another private citizen or company that claims it can do more with the property -- i.e., better develop...
Environmental Regulations Reduce Safety and Productivity in the Energy Industry
An explosion last week at a British Petroleum (BP) oil and gas refinery in Texas killed fifteen workers and injured seventy others, five critically. As usual, myopic media accounts blamed BP and its allegedly unsafe work conditions – and called for more intense government regulation and fines.
Dispelling Some Crude Myths About Oil’s Real Impact
Economists are beginning to panic about the recent run-up in the oil price (+36%, year to-date, to $44.4/barrel) and its likely future impact on stock prices, profits and output in the U.S. But there's no reason to panic. A fast-rising oil price is no necessary...
Persecution of Microsoft is Immoral
The government's persecution of Microsoft continues unabated. The U.S. appeals court is now considering whether the Bush administration and 19 states negotiated an adequate settlement in their antitrust case against Microsoft. It's time for the American public to...
Review of the Prime Movers: Traits of the Great Wealth Creators
We've all heard about the alleged "robber barons." For decades the world's successful wealth creators - from Rockefeller to Gates - have been brushed with that smear. But Dr. Locke shows that the smear just can't stick. The wealth creators aren't the dishonest,...
Turning Iraq Into Another Iran
Many commentators have remarked recently that the U.S. stock market has not rebounded by as much as they expected, especially given the recent, rapid U.S. military success in Iraq. But these observers fail to recognize that the market is forward-looking -- and fail to...
Deflation Myth
U.S. Federal Reserve officials, including Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, and commentators in the financial media have been worrying about deflation (a rise in the purchasing power of a currency) in recent years and months. It's hard to figure why. Not only is deflation...
U.S. War on Iraq is Morally Legitimate
CAP MAG EXCLUSIVE: As the U.S. military stands poised (finally) to wage war against the Iraqi regime -- merely one spoke in the "Axis of Evil" -- critics of the Bush Administration and apologists for terror regimes claim that there's been a "failure of diplomacy." The...
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