It is precisely because our health care is so important to each of us that we need to be especially careful to preserve and protect the rights of physicians and other health care providers.
Richard E. Ralston
Giving You Health Care “Equally”
The government must take good medical care from those who have it and redistribute it to those who do not.
Individualism is the Political Foundation of Healthcare
Individualism remains the best tool to deny government the power to force us to buy health insurance in general or forbid the purchase of the kind of health care plan we prefer.
Universal Freedom: The Only Hope for Health Care
“Universal Health Care” is the increasing drumbeat of advocates who want Americans to place all responsibility for their health care in the hands of government.
Free Markets are Good Medicine
Those who prefer government management of medicine have a wider agenda: they hate the idea of a free market in medicine because they hate the idea of free markets in anything.
Reality Stands in the Way of Socialist Healthcare Fantasies
Ask every politician promising to take over your medical care what they are doing for the veterans now in their care, or for those veterans who have died while languishing on lists while waiting for it.
Something About Medical Care We Can Defend
The end of the “mandate” or tax to force individuals to enroll in ObamaCare will not restore the lost private insurance that President Obama falsely promised we could keep, but it has ended a gross injustice.
The Government Boot on Your Doctor's Neck
We live in an age when the secretary of the Interior and the White House press secretary proudly and publicly proclaim that they will keep their "boot on the neck" of an oil company. This new manifestation of "hope" and "change" is ominous at a time when the...
Drowning at the FDA
New legislation would throw a lifeline to individual terminally ill patients, giving them the “right to try” treatments that have been deemed safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but which have not yet obtained final approval.
A Breath of Healthcare Freedom For The New Year
On the elimination of the individual insurance mandate of ObamaCare
Why Republicans Failed to Repeal Obamacare
Republican Senators have clearly demonstrated that, without the correct principles, there is no basis for health care policy.
The New Health Care Straw Man
We cannot afford to pass legislation again “so that you can find out what’s in it.”
America Shall Not Be Saved By the Death of Obamacare Alone
For more than a century, government involvement in American medicine has moved in a single direction: more spending, more bureaucrats, and more government power over the most intimate details of our daily lives.
How Obamacare Intimidates Young Adults
Obamacare is not doing well financially, so more young adults must be coerced into paying excessive insurance premiums to subsidize older participants.
Bureaucratic Healthcare
What we need is more freedom and a lot less government.
Three Campaigns That May Save Your Life — If The Government FDA Permits It
We must no longer allow American citizens to die of government bureaucracy.
Constitutional Principles are Required To Save American Medicine
The only remedy for Obamacare must be a legislative remedy, which is why we have elections.
Dependence Day
Independence Day is our most endangered holiday. We should celebrate it while we still can. The entire concept of independence — of autonomous citizens making their own choices in the pursuit of their own happiness — is under attack. The American war for independence...
Make American Medicine American Again
American medical care is still the best. But it will not remain the best if we do not fully restore it now and fight to keep it free from ill treatment caused by government.
The Dangers of Government Medicine
We are all in danger when politicians enforce Big Government Medicine–the primary goal of which is its own health and preservation.
FDA Horror Stories: How the FDA Denies Drugs to the Terminally Ill
The FDA has vigorously defended its power to deny drugs to the terminally ill, and it has been successful.
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