Democratic presidential candidate Reverend Al Sharpton, at the recent Democratic debate in Boston, took the front-runner, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, to task. Dean's sin? Dean, in an interview with the Des Moines (Iowa) Register on Saturday, Nov. 1, stated,...
Al Sharpton: The Democrat’s David Duke
If Sharpton were a white skinhead, he would be a political leper, spurned everywhere but the fringe. But far from being spurned, he is shown much deference.
Jackson, Sharpton, and Gore Play Racial Rope-A-Dope
Democrats have no constituency more loyal than black Americans. Much of that loyalty is delivered by black elected officials, civil-rights organizations and church leaders such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. During the last election, these people did a yeoman's job...
Obama on President Donald Trump
Former President Barack Obama once again pulled out the race card for political gain, consequences be damned.
10 Things I Learned About The Anti-Police Brutality Protests
“We have now reached the point where virtually everything that serves black ‘leaders’ — dependency, grievance-hunting, racial hype and paranoia — are major disservices to the cause of advancing blacks, at a time when their opportunities have never been better.”
Liberals Respect Me
Liberals unintentionally treat me like a white person.
Movie Review: Malcolm X
The words " any means necessary," conclude Spike Lee's racist propaganda piece, Malcolm X. This phrase asserting that the ends justify the means, a rationalization for tyranny throughout history, is the movie's theme. Lee capably gives "by any means necessary",...
Liberals’ Use of Black People, Part II
The news media and intellectual elite don’t condemn Sharpton or Obama, because they have two standards of behavior: one for whites and a lower one for blacks.
Jackson, Sharpton, Oprah and Trayvon Martin
To people like Jackson, Sharpton and Oprah, the young man’s death is not so much a crime as an opportunity. It’s an opportunity for them to once again shine, if only for a few moments, in the adoring media spotlight.
Hiding Black Interracial Crimes
If you're like I am, you've heard scores of media reports about the 2006 Duke University rape case, in which three white lacrosse players were falsely accused of raping a black stripper at a wild party at the home of one of the team members. These guys, convicted by...
Racial Hoaxes and the NAACP
Last May, firefighters at a Baltimore, Md., fire station came under scrutiny for displaying a deer with an afro wig, gold tooth, gold chain and a cigarette hanging from its mouth. Marvin "Doc" Cheatham, president of the Baltimore chapter of the NAACP, went ballistic,...
Conservatives, Liberals, and Blacks
During the first Reagan administration, I participated in a number of press conferences on either a book or article I'd written or as a panelist in a discussion of White House public policy. On occasion, when the question-and-answer session began, I'd tell the press,...
Repealing Tax Cuts Equals a Tax Increase
Every profession has its unofficial list-of-things-you-don't-say, and politics is no exception. A leading entry: Never call for a tax hike. At least, not by name. Instead, do what the Democratic presidential candidates do: Cloak your hike in the reassuring moniker...
The Politics of Judicial Nominees: Justice Janice Rogers Brown and Justice Clarence Thomas
A racist cartoon, linking Janice Rogers Brown with Justice Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, was on display at the Senate Judiciary Committee's confirmation hearings on Justice Brown's nomination to the federal Court of Appeals in Washington....
Authentically Black: Essays for the Black Silent Majority
Black leaders in America have an unflinching allegiance to the political left and are part-and-parcel to the Democratic Party. They see no reason to change or reform existing race-based affirmative action programs. They are also out of step with the times. This is the...
White Guilt, Black Exploitation: The National Slave Memorial Act
Few Americans have heard of the National Slave Memorial Act (HR 196) that proposes to erect a National Slave Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Last year, Sen. Trent Lott made this suggestion whilst groveling at the feet of black politicians and civil...
International Affirmative Action
As the Supreme Court of the United States wrestles with the issue of affirmative action as it exists in college admissions at the University of Michigan, the justices are taking on an issue that has been wrestled with in many contexts by courts in India for far longer...
An Appalling Idiocy: A Slave Memorial (Part 2)
Old-time civil rights activist Bayard Rustin once said that blacks should issue a blanket amnesty to whites -- just so that guilty whites would not keep on doing counterproductive things in order to make up for the past. The proposal that Congress create a slave...
An Appalling Idiocy: A Slave Memorial
With the passing years, it becomes ever more painful for me to read the preambles of legislation. Time and time again, the wonderful and inspiring words in those preambles have turned out to have no relationship whatsoever to the actual consequences that followed. The...
Hillary Clinton’s Intellectual Bankruptcy
After learning that the Republicans were dumping Trent Lott as Majority Leader in the Senate, Hillary Clinton commented, "What [Lott] did was state publicly what many of them [i.e. Republicans] have stated privately over many years in the back roads and back streets...
Democratic Political Propaganda: Rhetoric vs. Reality
Imagine... ...a recent graphic ad on the website pictures smiling Democratic leaders Tom Daschle and Richard Gephardt shoving a young girl with pigtails in front of a train with the words ‘public education' written on its side. Although Democrats called...
Politically Correct Art
Several columnists, most notably David Limbaugh and Kathleen Parker, commented on some of its lunacy. Shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, photographer Tom Franklin of The Record newspaper in Bergen County, N.J., captured the images of New York City...
Post-September 11: Another Look at Guns and Racial Profiling
Care to revisit, post-Sept. 11, the issue of racial profiling? "Civil rights activist" Al Sharpton, during the Harlem presidential debate between Al Gore and Bill Bradley, asked the first question. "Many in our community have to live in fear of both the cops and the...
Who Does the “Reparations for Slavery” Charade Really Benefit?
Blacks have already been the first victims of the campaign to get reparations for slavery. The longer this futile campaign goes on, the more additional blacks will be victimized. How have blacks been victimized thus far? Some have been asked to supply identifying...