Race and IQ, Part 2

Professor John McWhorter, a black faculty member at the University of California at Berkeley, has made a suggestion that is explosive in itself and directly the opposite of what is being said by those who are seeking to promote lower college admissions standards for...

Lawmakers Who Love Lawbreakers

Democrat Sen. Bob Torricelli of New Jersey is not through yet. While media pundits are busy writing his obituary, the Torch and his colleagues continue to make America safe for lawbreakers. On Sept. 23, Torricelli and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D.,...

Why Stocks Don’t Stink

“My message is as follows: stocks stink and will continue to do so until they’re priced appropriately, probably somewhere around Dow 5000, S&P 650, or Nasdaq God knows where.” That’s what Bill Gross, the usually mild-mannered managing...

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