by Jeff Jacoby | Jun 6, 2002 | POLITICS
If George W. Bush learned only one thing from his father’s presidency, it was that high marks in the opinion polls are no guarantee of future triumph in the other kind of poll. During the Gulf War in early 1991, the first President Bush’s approval ratings... by Michelle Malkin | Jun 6, 2002 | POLITICS
Move out of the way, Ozzy Osbourne. There’s another foul-mouthed celebrity who’s vying for the bleeding-heart pop critics’ Father of the Year award. Eminem, the Detroit rapper whose third album skyrocketed to the top of the charts, wants everyone to... by Robert W Tracinski | Jun 5, 2002 | Asia, POLITICS
The Bush administration seems to be twisting itself into a knot of confusion over the nuclear standoff between India and Pakistan, dispatching an array of diplomats to try to “ease the tensions” between the two countries — without doing anything to... by Michelle Malkin | Jun 4, 2002 | POLITICS, South America
President Bush signed an immigration reform bill last month that will supposedly make our borders “more secure” and “smart.” But “smart” technology can’t cure corrupted borders. This new law won’t do much good if our own... by Jeff Jacoby | Jun 4, 2002 | Cuba & Castro, POLITICS
Last month, in a heartfelt address, President Bush spoke out in support of a nation suffering under tyranny. He declared that its people are entitled to liberty, democracy, and dignity, and he condemned the dictator “who jails and tortures and exiles his... by Thomas Sowell | Jun 4, 2002 | Education, POLITICS
Some thought that racial preferences and quotas — “affirmative action” — in university admissions decisions were on their way out after they were banned by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas and by Proposition 209 in California. However,... by Scott Holleran | Jun 3, 2002 | POLITICS
Speaking in Los Angeles recently, on the eve of his Likud Party victory in opposing a Palestinian state, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered his now-familiar approach to the Middle East: moral clarity. Coming as Newsweek reports that the GOP is... by Larry Elder | Jun 3, 2002 | POLITICS
The Second Amendment is back. Rejecting six decades of the government’s head-in-sand approach to the Second Amendment, Attorney General John Ashcroft now says the Founding Fathers meant what they said and said what they meant. The Second Amendment confers an... by Thomas Sowell | Jun 3, 2002 | Education, POLITICS
Accused pipe bomber Lucas John Helder had barely been taken into custody before people began saying that he was crazy. Apparently no one is responsible for doing wrong things any more. Some of young Mr. Helder’s comments may sound illogical to many of us. But...